Working With the Master Index Data Manager

About Audit Log Results Fields on the MIDM

The fields located on the Audit Log Result page display information about the instances in which object data was accessed, where those instances match the search criteria you entered. These fields are configurable. The following table describes the fields that are displayed by default.

Table 5 Audit Log Results Fields

This field … 

displays this information ... 

Audit ID

The unique ID code in the audit log for the audit log entry. 


The EUID of the first object profile whose information was accessed. 


The EUID of the second object profile whose information was accessed in the same transaction (as would occur in the case of a profile comparison or merge). 


The primary transaction type that was used to access information. For more information about transaction types, see Audit Log Functions on the MIDM


Specific information about the actions taken against the profile, such as the MIDM page that was accessed or the type of function performed against a profile. 

Create Date

The date and time that the information was accessed. 

Create User

The login ID of the user who accessed the information.