Working With the Master Index Data Manager

About Report Search Fields on the MIDM

The report search fields let you specify a date range for each report. For Potential Duplicate reports, you can also specify the status of the potential duplicates returned by the search.

Table 10 Report Search Fields

In this field ... 

type or select ... 

From Date

The start date for the report. The report will retrieve transactions that occurred beginning on this date through the date specified in the To Date field. 

From Time

The start time for the report, in the format HHmmss. 

To Date

The end date for the report. 

To Time

The end time for the report, in the format HHmmss. 

Report Maximum Size

For Potential Duplicate and Assumed Match reports only, the number of records to display for the report. This allows you to limit the size of the report, which can grow quite large in some cases. 


For Potential Duplicate reports only, the source system of the potential duplicate profiles to retrieve. You can specify all systems by leaving this field blank. This field is not visible for any other type of report.