Working With the Master Index Data Manager

ProcedureTo Run Reports From the MIDM

  1. In the MIDM tabbed headings, click the Reports tab.

    The Reports Search page appears.

    Figure 66 Reports Search Fields

    Figure shows the Reports Search fields.

  2. On the Reports Search page, select the type of report to run from Reports sub-tabs.

  3. Enter the search criteria (for more information, see About Report Search Fields on the MIDM).

  4. Click Search.

    The selected report appears, as shown in the following figure .

    Figure 67 Potential Duplicate Report Sample

    Figure shows a sample Potential Duplicates Report.

  5. To sort the report by a single column, click that column name.

  6. To change whether the column is sorted by ascending or descending order, click again on the column.

  7. To print the report, click Print in the upper right portion of the window.