Working With the Master Index Data Manager

Performing an EUID Comparison Lookup

You can perform a lookup of multiple EUIDs from the Dashboard to compare object profiles in a side-by-side view on the Record Details page. To lookup multiple EUIDs, specify each EUID in the Compare EUIDs box on the Dashboard. You can enter from two to four EUIDs to compare in the search results list.

Figure 7 Compare EUIDs Box on the Dashboard

Figure shows the Compare EUIDs box on the Dashboard,
where you can enter multiple EUIDs for a search.

ProcedureTo Perform an EUID Comparison Lookup

  1. In the tabbed headings, click Dashboard.

  2. In the Compare EUIDs box, enter at least two, and up to four, EUIDs.

  3. Click Compare.

    The Record Details page appears with each matching profile displayed side-by-side.