Working With the Master Index Data Manager

Unmerging Object Profiles on the MIDM

If object profiles are merged in error, the profiles can easily be separated by unmerging the profiles. When you unmerge object profiles, the information is returned to the original profiles, the source records are returned to their original profiles, and any changes that were made after the merge are retained. Any source records that were added while the profiles were merged are associated with the profile that was active at the time. After you unmerge object profiles, verify that the source records were distributed correctly in the resulting records.

ProcedureTo Unmerge Object Profiles

  1. In the MIDM tabbed headings, click Transactions.

  2. Perform a search for the object profiles to unmerge.

    For information about the search fields on this page, see About Transaction History Search Fields on the MIDM.

  3. Select a transaction to unmerge from the search results list.

    Note –

    This must be an EUID merge transaction.

    Figure 64 Unmerge Page

    Figure shows the Unmerge page.

  4. Review the two displayed profiles to verify they should be unmerged.

    Caution – Caution –

    If you are unmerging profiles that were merged in a transaction that included three or four profiles, only the last two profiles merged will be unmerged. The remaining profiles cannot be unmerged.

  5. At the bottom of the page, click Preview Unmerge.

    A preview of the unmerged record appears.

  6. Verify the preview, and then click Unmerge.

  7. On the confirmation dialog that appears, click OK.