Working With the Master Index Data Manager

ProcedureTo View an Object Profile

  1. Using one of the search methods described in Searching for Object Profiles on the MIDM, display the object profile you want to view on the Record Details page.

  2. To view different types of information in the SBR for the displayed object, simply scroll through the visible data fields.

  3. To view source records belonging to the profile, scroll to the bottom of the data fields and then click View Sources.

    All source records for the profile appear in a side-by-side comparison view.

  4. From the Record Details page, perform any of the following functions. The buttons you click are all located at the bottom of the SBR.

    1. To modify object information, click Edit EUID and follow the appropriate procedure under Modifying Profile Information on the MIDM.

    2. To view a history of transactions for the displayed profile, click View History (for more information, see Viewing Transaction Histories on the MIDM).

    3. To deactivate a profile, click Deactivate (for more information, see Deactivating a Profile or Source Record).

    4. To view an image of both profiles involved in the most recent merge transaction, click View Merged Records.

      An image appears of both profiles as they were prior to the merge. This option is only available if the displayed profile is currently merged with another profile.

    5. To view a merge history tree for the profile, click View Merge Tree.

      This option is only available if the displayed profile is currently merged with another profile.

  5. When you are done viewing a profile, do any of the following. The buttons you click are located at the top of the page.

    1. To return to the search results list, click Back.

    2. To look up another profile by EUID, enter the EUID in the field in the upper left and click Search.

    3. To perform an advanced search for another profile, click Advanced Search.