Working With the Master Index Data Manager

Deleting a Child Object From a Source Record

If a child object is entered incorrectly or becomes obsolete, you can delete the object from the affected source record. Deleting a child object cannot be undone.

Figure 39 Source Record Page – Delete Child Object

Figure shows a child object in a source record ready
to be deleted.

ProcedureTo Delete a Child Object From a Source Record

  1. In the MIDM tabbed headings, click Source Record.

  2. If necessary, click the View/Edit sub-tab.

  3. In the System field, select the name of the system for the source record you want to modify.

  4. In the Local ID field, enter the local ID for the record you want to modify.

  5. Click Search.

    If a matching record is found, it appears on the Source Record page in view mode.

  6. At the bottom of the page, click Edit.

  7. Click View child_type, where child_type is the name of the type of child you want to delete.

    The child object section expands to display a list of existing child objects.

  8. Click the delete icon next to the child object you want to modify.

    The delete icon looks like an “X”.

  9. When you are done modifying information, click Save, and the click OK on the information dialog box that appears.

    The page refreshes, and the SBR of the object profile is recalculated based on the new information.