Understanding the Master Index Match Engine

Percentage Method

Using this method, you set the initial thresholds as a percentage of the maximum and minimum weights. Using the information provided under Weight Ranges Using Agreement Weightsor Weight Ranges Using Probabilities, determine the maximum and minimum values that can be generated for composite match weights. For the initial run, the match threshold is set intentionally high to catch only the most probable matches. The duplicate threshold is set intentionally low to catch a large set of possible matches.

Set the match threshold at 70% of the maximum composite weight starting from zero as the neutral value. Using the weight range samples in Table 17, this would be 70% of 38, or 26.6. Set the duplicate threshold near the neutral value (that is, the value in the center of the maximum and minimum weight range). The value could be set between 10% of the maximum weight and 10% of the minimum weight. Using the samples above, this would be between 3.8 (10% of 38) and -3.6 (10% of -36).