Developing OTDs for Application Adapters

Creating BAPI and RFC OTDs

You create BAPI and RFC OTDs with the SAP BAPI wizard in the Netbeans IDE.

ProcedureTo create BAPI OTDs

  1. In the Explorer tab of the Netbeans IDE, right click the Project, click New, and click Object Type Definition. The New Object Type Definition Wizard dialog box appears.

  2. Click SAP BAPI and click Next. The Select SAP Object page appears.

  3. To convert a BAPI object to OTD, select the BAPI option.

    To convert an RFC object to OTD, select the RFC option.

  4. Click Next. The System Parameters page appears.

  5. Enter the information for the SAP system for the SAP Adapter to connect to:

    For this option 


    System ID 

    System ID of the SAP system. 

    Application server 

    Host name of the SAP system. 

    System number 

    System number of the SAP system. 

    SAP Routing String 

    Router string of hostnames/IP addresses of all SAP routers between the Application Server and the SAP gateway host (optional). 


    Language used for SAP access. 

    RFC Trace 

    NO to disable RFC tracing (default); YES to enable RFC tracing, which creates the trace files in: \netbeans\bin

  6. Click Next. The Login Parameters page appears.

  7. Enter the information to log into the SAP system:

    For this option 


    Client Number 

    Client number of the SAP system. 

    User name 

    User name. 


    Login password. 

  8. Click Next. The Select BAPI/RFC page appears, showing the application components

    In the BAPI tree, you can navigate to a particular SAP application component and select a BAPI object.

  9. Expand the SAP application component folder, click a BAPI, and click Finish. The OTD Editor window appears, displaying the OTD.

    For information about the BAPI and RFC OTDs, refer to the section below.

    You can now built the Collaborations or Business Processes as described in Building and Deploying the prjBAPIOutbound Sample Project and Building and Deploying the prjIDocInbound Sample Project. The section below describes the BAPI methods (operations) that are available for you to use in the Java Collaborations or Business Process.