Developing OTDs for Application Adapters

Relaunching BAPI and RFC OTDs

When an OTD is built for an SAP business object such as:

Application Components g Controlling g CostCenter.

This creates an OTD which has methods corresponding to all BAPIs in the Cost Center Business Object of SAP.

The CostCenter OTD has nodes for each of the BAPIs in the CostCenter business object. The OTD also has WSDL operations such as GetListExecute and GetListReceive. These WSDL operations are used when the OTD is used in a Business Process. The execute methods are used for client mode operations. The receive methods are used for server mode operations.

If required, you can also use the Relaunch option of the OTD to relaunch the CostCenter OTD wizard, see the figure below, and rebuild the BAPI OTD for the same BAPI/RFC.

Please note that selecting a BAPI/RFC other than the original one used to build the OTD will corrupt your OTD and its associated Collaborations and Business Processes.

On Relaunch, the OTD is rebuilt again with the changed meta data, and any Java Collaborations and Business Processes using this BAPI OTD are synchronized with the new changes.

If your Java Collaborations or Business Processes are using OTD nodes that are now absent in the relaunched BAPI/RFC OTD, you will be prompted to correct the business rules by validation errors.