Developing OTDs for Application Adapters

ProcedureTo Create IDOC OTDs From a Description File

  1. In the Explorer tab of the Netbeans IDE, right click the Project, click New, and click Object Type Definition.

    The New Object Type Definition dialog box appears.

  2. Click SAP IDoc and click Next. The Select metadata source page appears.

    Figure 1–4 IDoc Wizard—Metadata Selection

    IDoc Wizard—Metadata Selection

  3. To retrieve the IDocs from a description file, select the From Description File.

  4. Click Next.

    The Definition File Parameters page appears.

    Figure 1–5 IDoc Wizard—Definition File Parameters

    IDoc Wizard—Definition File Parameters

  5. Enter the following information about the IDoc definition file:

    For This Option 


    IDoc File Name 

    The path and filename for the IDoc description file to be used. 

    Released In 

    SAP IDoc release for this IDoc, for example, 4.6C. 

    Message format 

    Blank padded for ALE format or CR-LF for EDI format. 

  6. Click Next. The Review Selection page appears.

  7. Review your selections and click Finish. The OTD Editor window appears, displaying the OTD.