Developing OTDs for Communication Adapters

ProcedureTo Edit the Delimiters From the Root Node

  1. Select the Root node in the Object Type Definition pane (for this example ADT_A02) from the OTD Editor.

  2. Double-click the delim properties field from the Properties pane.

    An ellipsis (...) button appears in the field.

  3. Click the ellipsis button.

    The Delimiter List Editor appears.

    HL7 OTD Editor - Delimiter List Editor
  4. Double-click any field in the OTD Editor’s Properties field, for any level, make the field editable or displays a list of options.

  5. Double-click the Delimiter Bytes field for level 3. Change the current delimiter character to a pound sign (#), Tab to the next field, and click OK.

    The delimiter for all level 3 nodes in the OTD is now a pound sign (#), unless it is specified differently for a specific segment. The figure displays an example of various levels in the Object Type Definition tree, from the Root node.

    Node Levels From the Root Node