Developing OTDs for Database Adapters

ProcedureSteps to Edit the OTD from the Java CAPS IDE Include:

  1. Unlock the OTD. To do this, right-click the OTD in the Project tree and select Version Control > Check Out from the menu.

    The Version Control - Check Out window appears.

  2. Select the OTD you want to check out, then click Check Out.

  3. From the Project tree, right-click the OTD again and select Edit from the menu.

    The Informix Database Connection Information wizard appears.

  4. Enter the connection information as described in To Connect to a Database, and click Next.

  5. Step through each of the wizard steps and click Finish to save your changes.

    Note –

    You must verify during project activation or at runtime that no errors are generated after editing an OTD. Errors could occur if you delete a database object that is included in a Collaboration.