Configuring Java CAPS Environment Components for Application Adapters

Security and SSL

The Security and SSL section of the PeopleSoft HTTP Client Adapter Environment properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Note –

SSL is not currently supported for the PeopleSoft Adapter. This section is reserved for future product enhancement.

Table 8 Environment Configuration - Security and SSL



Required Value 

Protocol SSL

Specifies the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol used when establishing an SSL connection with the server. 

Select the appropriate protocol. The options are: 

  • No SSL

  • TLS

  • TLSv1

  • SSLv3

  • SSLv2

  • SSL

The configured default is No SSL.

JSSE Provider Class

Specifies the fully qualified name of the JSSE provider class. 

The name of the JSSE provider class. 

The configured default value is

X509 Algorithm Name

Specifies the X509 algorithm name to use for the trust and key manager factories. 

The X509 algorithm name to use for the trust and key manager factories. 

The configured default is SunX509.

Verify hostname

Specifies whether hostname verification is done on the server certificate during the SSL handshake. 

True or False.

True indicates that hostname verification is performed on the server certificate during the SSL handshake.

The configured default is False.

KeyStore type

Specifies the keystore type for the keystore used for key/certificate management when establishing SSL connections. 

The keystore type. The configured default is JKS.


Specifies the keystore used for key/certificate management when establishing SSL connections. 

The keystore used for key/certificate management. 

Keystore username

Specifies a username for accessing the keystore used for key/certificate management when establishing SSL connections. 

A user name (login) with permission to access the keystore. 

Keystore password

Specifies the password for accessing the keystore used for key/certificate management when establishing SSL connections. 

A password associated with the KeyStore username to access the keystore. 

TrustStore type

Specifies the truststore type of the truststore used for CA certificate management when establishing SSL connections. 

The truststore type. 

The configured default is JKS.


Specifies the truststore used for CA certificate management when establishing SSL connections. 

The name of the truststore. 

TrustStore password

Specifies the password for accessing the truststore used for CA certificate management when establishing SSL connections. 

A password that permits access to the truststore.