Configuring Java CAPS Environment Components for Application Adapters

Connection Pool Settings

The Connection Pool Settings section is specific for the RA connection pool of Sun Java System Application Server only. Please refer to the corresponding documentations along with your product for more details.

The Connection Pool Settings section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Environment properties contains the top-level properties displayed in the table.

Table 25 Environment Configuration - Connection Pool Settings



Required Value 

Steady Pool Size

Specifies the steady pool size. 

The steady pool size represents the minimum number of RA connections to be maintained. When it is set to greater than 0, the container not only pre-populates the RA connection pool with the specified number, but also attempts to ensure that there is always this many RA connections in the free pool. This ensures that there are enough RA connections in the ready to serve state to process user requests. 

This parameter does not necessarily guarantee that no more than steady-pool-size instances exist at a given time. It only governs the number of instances that are pooled over a long period of time. For example, suppose an idle stateless session container has a fully-populated pool with a steady-pool-size of 10. If 20 concurrent requests arrive for the RA connection component, the container creates 10 additional instances to satisfy the burst of requests. The advantage of this is that it prevents the container from blocking any of the incoming requests. However, if the activity dies down to 10 or fewer concurrent requests, the additional 10 instances are discarded. 

An integer indicating the steady pool size. 

The configured default is 1.

Max Pool Size

Specifies the maximum pool size. 

This number represents the maximum number of RA connections in the pool. A value of 0 indicates that the pool is unbounded.

An integer indicating the maximum pool size. A value of 0 indicates that the pool is unbounded.

The configured default is 32.

Max Wait Time in Millis

Specifies the maximum wait time in milliseconds. 

If an RA connection is not available, the caller must wait this long before another RA connection is created. A value of 0 indicates that an exception is thrown if there is no RA connection available. If the pool is completely utilized and the timer expires, an exception will be delivered to the application.

Note –

This element is deprecated for the bean pool container for Sun Java System Application Server.

An integer indicating the maximum wait time in milliseconds. 

The configured default is 60000.

Pool Idle Timeout In Seconds

Specifies the pool idle timeout in seconds. 

This serves as a hint to the server. A timer thread periodically removes unused RA connections. This parameter defines the interval at which this thread runs. This thread removes unused RA connection that have an expired timeout. 

This allows you to specify the amount of time that an RA connection instance can be idle in the pool. When pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds is set to greater than 0, the container removes or destroys any RA connection instance that is idle for this specified duration. It is the maximum time that a component can remain idle in the pool. After this amount of time, the pool can remove this bean. A value of 0 specifies that idle RA connections can remain in the pool indefinitely. 

An integer indicating the pool idle timeout in seconds. A value of 0 indicates that an idle RA connection may remain in the pool indefinitely. When the value is greater than 0, the container removes or destroys any RA connection instance that is idle for this specified duration. 

The configured default is 300.