Configuring Java CAPS Environment Components for Application Adapters

ProcedureCreating a Channel and Remote Queue Definition

  1. If either QM1 or QM2 do not have a transmission queue defined, create one. Both queue managers require one transmission queue each. In this example, assume that both queue managers have the transmission queue ’xmit’.

  2. Create a Sender Channel for QM1 that points to Host2 and transmission queue xmit. The name of the channel must match the Receiver Channel created in the next step.

  3. Create a Receiver Channel for Q2. The name of the channel must match the Sender Channel created in the previous step.

  4. In QM1, create a Remote Queue Definition (R1). Designate Q2 as its remote queue, QM2 as its remote queue manager, and xmit as its transmission queue.

  5. Configure the MQ Adapter to connect to Host1, QM1, and have it put messages into queue R1.

    Note –

    Messages cannot be read/GET from remote queues, only PUT. In the example situation above, to read the messages placed in QM2:Q2 through R1, an Adapter needs to connect directly to QM2 (Host2), thereby interacting with Q2 as a local queue.