Designing with Application Adapters

Creating the JNDI Bindings File for JMS Posting

To enable the PeopleSoft Adapter to post to PeopleSoft using JMS, you must have a JNDI bindings file in place. You can generate the bindings file with any standard JNDI generation application. Sun provides a sample generation application called This program and two associate applications, compile.bat and run.bat, are included in the sample Project file.

You must edit and recompile the file before generating the bindings file.

ProcedureTo Create the JNDI Bindings File

  1. Create the directory, C:\testprogram. Copy the, compile.bat, and run.bat files to this directory.

    Note –

    The latest version of the Enterprise Service Bus API Kit JAR files must be added to the WebLogic PeopleSoft-PIS server classpath. To confirm this, check the JAR files in the server’s setENV.cmd file located in the following location (or equivalent): C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\peoplesoft\setEnv.cmd If you have installed the PeopleSoft-PIA service as a Windows Service, you must uninstall and reinstall the service by executing unInstallNTServicePIA.cmd first, then executing installNTServicePIA.cmd. This is a runtime classpath requirement to confirm the new classpath.

  2. Open the file in a text editor and follow the directions presented in the text of the file. Edit the JNDI bindings generation application with the Enterprise Service Bus host name and location. Verify that the Enterprise Service Bus JMS server port number is correct. This port number must match the Server port property for the JMS IQ Manager in the Enterprise Designer. For information, refer to the Java CAPS JMS Reference .

  3. Modify the following line to point to your own directory:

    fcontextprops.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "file:C:\\eGateExports\\PeopleSoft\\JMS");

    Note –

    If you are installing the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite and the PeopleSoft Adapter on a computer that previously included ICAN 5.0.5, be sure to delete all of the previously installed API JAR files, and follow the directions in the Sun Enterprise Service Bus API Kit Developer’s Guide to modify your classpath to include the new API JAR files.

  4. Double-click compile.bat to compile the program. A class file is generated.

  5. Double-click run.bat to run the program. This creates a .bindings file.

  6. Copy the .bindings file to the location of the JMSUrl property described in the section above (see Creating Target Nodes to Post to Enterprise Service Bus Using JMS.

    When you run the bindings generation application for the first time, the following message is displayed:

    fcontext TopicConnectionFactory lookup exception, you never had this jndi entry
    fcontext TopicConnectionFactory lookup is null... will bind to the jndi name
    fcontext GenericInTopic lookup exception, it doesn’t exist
    GenericInTopic is null...bind GenericInTopic as GenericInTopic
    fcontext GenericOutTopic lookup exception, it doesn’t exist
    GenericOutTopic is null...bind GenericOutTopic as GenericOutTopic
    fcontext ErrorTopic lookup exception, it doesn’t exist
    t is null...bind ErrorTopic as ErrorTopic
    fcontext QueueConnectionFactory lookup exception it doesn’t exist
    fcontext QueueConnectionFactory lookup is null...bind with new value
    fcontext GenericInQueue lookup exception, it doesn’t exist
    GenericInQueue is null...bind GenericInQueue as GenericInQueue
    fcontext GenericOutQueue lookup exception
    GenericOutQueue is null...bind GenericOutQueue as GenericOutQueue

    In the subsequent runs, the following message is displayed:

    fcontext TopicConnectionFactory is NOT null...unbind then re-bind 
    TopicConnectionFactory will overwrite old value
    fcontext GenericInTopic is NOT null...unbind then re-bind GenericInTopic 
    will overwrite old
    fcontext GenericOutTopic is NOT null...unbind then re-bind GenericOutTopic 
    will overwrite old
    fcontext ErrorTopic is NOT null...unbind then re-bind ErrorTopic 
    will overwrite old value
    fcontext QueueConnectionFactory is NOT null...unbind then re-bind
    fcontext GenericInQueue is NOT null...unbind then re-bind GenericInQueue 
    will overwrite old
    fcontext GenericOutQueue is NOT null...unbind then re-bind GenericOutQueue 
    will overwrite old value
  7. Once you have completed all of these steps, restart the PeopleSoft-PIA services. You can restart the PIA services from the Windows Services console, or you can restart the service from a Command Line using the following command:


    After you execute this command, monitor the PIA_weblogic.log file until you see the following output:

    #### <> <000329>

    This indicates that the PIA Service is started. If you use this method of starting the PIA service, be aware that the Windows Services console will not accurately reflect that the service has been started.

  8. Stop and restart the JMSListeningConnector using the URL (see Starting and Stopping the JMS Listening Connector). After you start the JMS Listening Connector, monitor the PIA_weblogic.log. The following message indicates that the JMS Listening Connector has started correctly:

    #### <> <> <101047> <[WebAppServletContext(2244929,PSIGW,
    /PSIGW)] JMSListeningConnectorAdministrator: init>
    #### <> <> <101047> <[WebAppServletContext(2244929,PSIGW,
    /PSIGW)] PeopleSoftListeningConnector: init>

    If you perform step Creating the JNDI Bindings File for JMS Posting before the PIA service is ready, the JMS Listening Connector will not be active, so it will not receive messages from Enterprise Service Bus.