Designing with Application Adapters

Creating the PeopleSoft Node to Receive Enterprise Service Bus HTTP Posts

The procedure describes how to create and configure PeopleSoft nodes for Enterprise Service Bus HTTP posting.

ProcedureTo Create PeopleSoft Nodes to Receive Enterprise Service Bus HTTP Posts

  1. In the PeopleTools Application Designer, click New on the File menu. The New dialog box appears.

  2. Click Message Node and click OK to display the Message Node dialog box for Node 1.

  3. Right-click the Locations pane and click Insert Location. The Location dialog box appears.

  4. Enter the URL for the PeopleSoft Gateway Servlet and click OK.

    For Apache:


    For WebLogic:


    where PSFTHOST is the name of the host computer where PeopleSoft runs.

    The URL name displays in the Message Node dialog box similar to Figure 1–7.

    Figure 1–7 PeopleSoft Node for Receiving Enterprise Service Bus HTTP Posts

    Node for Receiving

  5. Click Save As on the File menu.

  6. Enter the name of the message node.

  7. From the File menu, click Open. The Open Object window appears.

  8. To verify that the message node is ready for use, select Message Node from the Object Type list and click Open.

    A list of all message nodes displays.. The name of the new message node appears in the Objects matching selection criteria pane.

    Message nodes with PSFT prefixes are created by the PeopleSoft installation. PSFT_EP is the PeopleSoft local node for the Financials application. It is specified as a subscriber to messages sent from the PeopleSoft Adapter, and a publisher of messages to the HTTP server.

    Figure 1–8 Viewing Message Nodes

    Viewing Message Nodes