Designing with Application Adapters

Adding the PeopleSoft Subscription Handler

The procedure describes how to add the PeopleSoft subscription handler. Before you start the procedure, make a note of the following PeopleSoft configurations:

ProcedureTo Add the PeopleSoft Handler Directory

  1. Navigate to the following URL in a browser to open the handler directory:

    For Apache:


    For WebLogic:


    where PSFTHOST is the host where the PeopleSoft Application Messaging Gateway is installed.

    The Handler Directory page appears.

    Figure 1–14 Adding the PeopleSoft Handler Directory

    Adding Handler Directory

  2. Click Add handler. The Add Handler page appears.

  3. Enter the PeopleSoft handler class:


    and click Save.

    Figure 1–15 Viewing the New Handler

    Viewing New Handler

  4. Click Load to load the PeopleSoft handler class you just added. The status changes to Loaded successfully.

  5. Click Configure to configure the handler. The Manage Lookup Table page for the PeopleSoft handler appears.

    Figure 1–16 Managing the Lookup Table

    Managing the Lookup Table

  6. Click Add a new node to associate the node with this subscription handler. The Add an address window appears.

    Figure 1–17 Adding an Address

    Adding an Address

  7. Enter the values for the new node, PSFT_EP, associated with the subscription handler. These values are mandatory.

  8. Click Save address. The Manage Lookup Table page now displays the new node.

    Figure 1–18 Viewing the New Node

    Viewing the New Node

    The Application Messaging Gateway is now ready to receive XML messages from the adapter and publish the XML messages to PeopleSoft.