Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Application Adapters

Primitive Control

The Primitive Control section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table.

Table 1–11 Connectivity Map - Primitive Control



Required Value 

Include XML Attributes in SNL Primitive

Specifies the construction/marshalling of SNL primitives. 

When the SWIFT AG Adapter constructs/marshals the SNL primitives, this flag indicates whether the adapter includes the XML attributes in the primitives. For example: 

  • For element SwInt:Requestor, including XML attributes, is as follows:

    <SwInt:Requestor type="Sw.Gbl.DN" 
  • If you do not include XML attributes, as follows:


    If not include XML attributes.

    Note –

    All XML attributes in SNL Primitives are defined in SNL Specification.

True or False.

True indicates that the adapter includes the XML attributes in the primitives.

The configured default is False.