Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Application Adapters

FileAct Client

This section maps to the Primitive Sw:ExchangeFileRequest. For parameters Sw<parameter name> found within this section, refer to the SNL specification for more detailed descriptions. The FileAct Client section of the SWIFT AG Adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table.

Table 1–15 Connectivity Map - FileAct Client



Required Value 

User DN

Specifies the SwSec_UserDN. Used to identify and authenticate the principal. Size is limited to 100 bytes.

The User DN (distinguished name) ending with o=<BIC8>,o=swift 

For example, cn=dandrews,o=bankn14b,o=swift 

Requestor DN

Specifies the SwInt_Requestor, the Application entity name. Size is limited to 100 bytes.

The Requestor DN (distinguished name) ending with o=<SWIFTNet institution BIC-8>,o=swift 

For example, ou=management,o=bankn14b,o=swift 

Responder DN

Specifies the SwInt_Responder, the name of the intended responder. Size is limited to 100 bytes.

The Responder DN (distinguished name) ending with o=<SWIFTNet institution BIC-8>,o=swift 

For example, cn=management,o=swift,o=swift 

Service Name

Specifies the SwInt_Service, the Service Name containing the SWIFTNet service used. Size is limited to 30 bytes.

The Service Name. 

For example, swift.cte, swift.generic.fa!x,!x, and so forth. 

Request Type

Specifies the SwInt_RequestType, used to identify the message type of the XML message using the standard message code. Size is limited to 30 bytes.

The Request Type. 

For example, camt.005.001.02 (GetTransaction) 

User Reference

Specifies the SwInt_RequestRef. This is used to associate a request message with subsequent response or error messages. Size is limited to 30 bytes.

A user reference of 30 bytes or less. 


Specifies whether the request contains Crypto operations to be performed. Only the last Crypto block is analyzed. SwInt_RequestCrypto (digital signature).

True or False.

True indicates that the request contains Crypto operations to be performed.

The configured default is False.


Specifies the SwInt_Priority. The priority of delivery. In the future, SWIFTNet may implement this priority through schemes such as top-queuing, dedicated server processes, network transport priority. In the current implementation, differentiation on priority may be used for store-and-forward delivery.

Normal or Urgent.

The configured default is Normal.


Specifies whether SwInt_NRIndicator, non-repudiation support is being requested.

True or False.

True indicates that non-repudiation is requested.

The configured default is False.

Delivery Notification Queue Name

Specifies the SwInt_NotifQueue, store-and-forward delivery mode. When a value is present, it indicates SnF delivery mode and the queue where SnF delivery notifications are received.

In the case of non-delivery (Rejected or Failed message), an SnF failed notification is always generated in this notification queue. 

In the case of delivery (Accepted or Duplicated message) an SnF delivery notification is optionally generated in this queue. 

For store-and-forward delivery mode, enter the name of the delivery notification queue. 

Size is limited to 30 bytes. 

For example, ptsauszz_generic!x. (see Sw:DeliveryNotif). 

Ask Positive Delivery Notification

Specifies Sw_DeliveryNotif, delivery notification. This is for store-and-forward delivery mode only. Indicates whether a delivery notification is required in case of successful delivery (Accepted or Duplicated).

True or False.

True indicates that a delivery notification is required.

The configured default is False.

Remote File Handler TransferEP

Specifies the Sw_TransferEP, the Transfer EndPoint name used for the remote file handler. Value options:

  • Blank value: indicates that the file transfer does not use the remote file handler.

  • Transfer EndPoint name: When this value is present, the file transfer uses the remote file handler.

    Before the file transfer starts you need to start the remote file handler process with the specified Transfer EndPoint name on your system. The command to start the remote file handler (swfa_handler) requires the command-line arguments:

    swfa_handler <HostName>:<PortNumber>[:ssl] <TransferEndpoint> [<Process ID>]

    Here are some examples:

    1. swfa_handler snlhost:48003:ssl MyUniqueEndpoint 23450

    2. swfa_handler snlhost:48003 MyUniqueEndpoint 23450

    3. swfa_handler snlhost:48003 MyUniqueEndpoint

    As for the syntax details and operational guidelines of remote file handler, refer to the SWIFTNet Service Design Guide or contact the system administrator.

The Transfer EndPoint name used for the remote file handler. 

Size is limited to 30 bytes. 

Block File Transfer

Specifies BlockFileTransfer. This indicates whether the function call will finish when a final file status is returned.

This may be useful for the large file transfers. 

The final status values for file transfer are, 

  • Completed

  • Duplicated

  • Aborted

  • Failed

  • Rejected

  • Unknown

True or False.

True indicates that the function call will finish when a final file status is returned.

The configured default is True.