Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

Configuring CICS Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

The CICS Adapter configuration parameters, accessed from the Connectivity Map, are organized into the following sections:

CICS Connector

The Connector section of the CICS Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 46 Connectivity Map - Connector Properties



Required Value 


Specifies the connector type. 

Enter CICS. The value always defaults to CICS for CICS connections.

Connection Transport

Specifies the underlying connection transport used by the CICS Adapter to send requests to and get responses from a CICS region. 

Select one of the following underlying connection transports: 

  • Sun CICS Listener

  • CICS Transaction Gateway (specifies the IBM CICS Transaction Gateway)

Sun CICS Listeneris the configured default.


Specifies the class name of the CICS Client connector object. 

The (class) package name for the CICS Client connector object. The default is


Specifies the data source identity. This parameter is required by the current EBobConnectorFactory.

The data source package name. 

Where to Go Next

CICS Client.

Related Topics

CICS Client

The CICS Client section of the CICS Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 47 CICS Client Connectivity Map Properties



Required Value 

ECI call type

Specifies whether the ECI call type is Synchronous. Synchronous calls wait for the transaction to complete, then return the contents of the COMMAREA. Only Synchronous calls are supported. 

Synchronous is the configured default.

CICS Program

Specifies the CICS program to be run on the server. Maximum length is eight characters. 

A CICS program name, eight characters or less. 

CICS TransId

CTG specific. Specifies the ID of a CICS transaction. Maximum length is four characters. Attributes are dependent upon the value set for Use TransId as ECI_TPN, as follows:

  • If EciTPN is set to FALSE, the value of the transid is stored in EIBTRNID for the duration of the LINK to the program specified in the Program parameter. The called program runs under the mirror transaction CPMI, but is linked to under the Transid transaction name. This name is available to the called program for querying the transaction ID. Some servers use the transaction ID to determine security and performance attributes for the called program.

  • If EciTPN is set to TRUE, the Transid will be interpreted as the ECI_TPN transid, a transaction that will be used in the server to process the ECI request. This transaction must be defined in the server as a CICS mirror transaction. If the ECI request is extended, this parameter has a meaning only for the first request.

A CICS transaction ID of four characters or less. 

Use TransId as ECI_TPN

CTG specific. Specifies whether the TransId is interpreted as ECI_TPN or if the called program runs under the default mirror transaction CPMI. Options are:

  • True: Indicates that the TransId is interpreted as ECI_TPN.

  • False: Indicates that the called program runs under the default mirror transaction CPMI, and is linked to under the TransId (if present).

Select True or False.

False is the configured default.


Specifies the length (in bytes) of the COMMAREA passed to the ECI. 

A number indicating the byte length of the COMMAREA. 

Note –

When using the CICS Transaction Gateway transport, data sent to CICS must be padded with spaces, if necessary, to match the full size of the commarea.

ECI extend mode

Specifies whether a logical unit of work is terminated at the end of a call. 

Select Yes or No.

Yes indicates that the work unit is terminated at the end of a call.

The configured default is No.


CTG specific. Specifies an integer used to identify the logical unit of work (LUW) to which a call belongs. This must be set to 0 (zero) at the start of an LUW, even if the LUW is to be extended. The ECI updates the value upon the first (or only) call of the LUW. If the LUW is to be extended, this value is used as input to any subsequent calls associated with the same LUW.

If the return code is not ECI_NO_ERROR, and a call is ending or continuing an existing LUW, then this field is used to report the state of the LUW as follows: 

  • A code of 0 (zero) indicates that the LUW has ended and its updates have been backed out.

  • Any non-zero code indicates the current input value. It also indicates that the LUW is continuing, and updates are still pending.

    See the Logical units of work in ECI table in the CICS Transaction Gateway: Programming Guide for more information.

An integer used to identify the ECI logical unit of work. 


Specifies the canonical name for the encoding set. 

The canonical name for any encoding set supported by Sun’s Java Runtime Environment 1.1.8 (contained in rt.jar and i18n.jar). Examples are ASCII and Cp500 (EBCDIC). When running the CICS Adapter on a z/OS platform, set the Encoding value to Cp500.

Where to Go Next

Connection Mode.

Related Topics

Connection Mode

The Connection Mode section of the CICS Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 48 Connectivity Map Properties - Connection Mode Section



Required Value 

CICS Connection Mode

Specifies whether a physical connection is established when an external connection is instantiated. The options are, 

Automatic: Establishes a physical connection when an external connection is instantiated.

Manual:Does not automatically establish a physical connection when an external connection is instantiated.

If a physical connection is not automatically established, a physical connection must be established from the Collaboration (for example, by calling the connect() method).

Select Automatic or Manual.

The configured default is Automatic.

Where to Go Next

Configuring e-Mail Inbound Adapter Connectivity Map Properties.

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