Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

Additional Referrals Section Notes

Following are additional notes related to the properties found in the Referrals section.

A referral is an entity used to redirect a client’s request to another server. A referral contains the names and locations of other objects. It is sent by the server to indicate that the information the client has requested can be found at another location (or locations), possibly at another server or several servers.

When you execute a search operation, you may encounter a referral entry, which is just a pointer to where that information can be found. The pointer is usually in a form similar to the Provider URL configuration of the Adapter.

It consists of the following components:

You have the following options when you encounter a referral:

With the LDAP Adapter, you have the following properties you must set to work with referrals:

The scenarios shown in the following table can arise depending on the properties provided for the referrals and the behavior of the Adapter, as explained for each of these scenarios.

Table 59 Referral Scenarios

Follow Setting 

Credentials File 

Adapter Operation 

Follow is set to Yes.

The credentials file is not provided.

The Adapter uses the original credentials (user name and password) provided for the initial server and tries to connect to the referred system. The connection may fail if the referred system does not have the same credentials. 

The credentials file is provided and has the credentials entry for the referred host. 

The connection to the initial server is configured to throw LdapReferralException when a referral is encountered which is subsequently caught by Adapter. The Adapter then establishes the connection to the referred system using the credentials information provided in the credentials file.

The credentials file provided does not have the credentials entry for the referred host.

The connection to the initial server is configured to throw LdapReferralException when a referral is encountered, which is subsequently caught by the Adapter. The Adapter then establishes the connection to the referred system using an anonymous login. The connection may fail if the referred system does not allow an anonymous log-in.

Follow is set to No.

There is no credentials file. 

Referrals are not followed, that is, the Adapter ignores any referral. 

To create a credentials file, you can use the Referral Credentials File (RCF) command-line utility.

Note –

Running the RCF utility on the command line without any parameters displays how to use the utility.

ProcedureTo Create a Credentials File Using the RCF Utility

  1. The file to be used for the RCF utility are located at the following locations:



  2. Copy and paste one of the above files to a folder and run the utility from this folder as follows:

    netbeans_home\jdk\bin\java -cp ./stcldap13.jar

    The following menu displays:

    C:\temp>java -cp ./stcldap13.jar

    Please specify the operation.

    ---+ RCFUtil +---

    Interactive command line utility for creating and managing
    file(s) containing credentials information to follow LDAP
    referrals. File(s) generated can be used by the Java LDAP Adapter
    for following referrals that required credentials different
    from those used to create the connection to the initial LDAP

    Usage : java       -- <filename>


    --create Create a new referral credentials file.
    --add Add an entry to the referral credentials file.
    --list Print a list of entries in the referral credentials file.
    --remove Remove an entry from the referral credentials file.
    --modify Modify an entry in the referral credentials file.
    --decrypt When displaying credentials, decrypt the credentials.
    --username <username>  Specify the username; if not specified,         
    it’ll be prompted.
    --password <password>  Specify the password; if not specified,         
    it’ll be prompted.
    --help Print this usage.


    The full path to the referral credentials file.
  3. To create a new referral file called samplercf.txt, enter the following parameters on the command line:

    netbeans_home\jdk\bin\java -cp ./stcldap13.jar --create -- samplercf.txt

    This action requests a user name and password. Enter the user name and password. This user name and password is for protecting the file itself, because the file contains sensitive credential information about other LDAP servers. For example:

          C:\temp>c:\JavaCAPS6\netbeans\jdk\bin\java -cp .\stcldap13.jar  
          --create -- samplercf.txt
          Creating file samplercf.txt...
          Enter username >> test
          Enter password >> test
          File created!

    A message "File created!" appears. The file name here is samplercf.txt. The extension does not matter.

ProcedureTo Add Credentials Information To the File

  1. To add LDAP Server connection info to a referral file called samplercf.txt, enter the following parameters on the command line:

    netbeans_home\jdk\bin\java -cp ./stcldap13.jar
 --add --
  2. Username and Password are required to access the file. Provide the user name and password given for creating the file previously.

  3. When the following prompts appear, enter the following information, as indicated:

  4. Prompts for the host name: Enter the host name.

  5. Prompts for the port number: Enter the LDAP port number.

  6. Prompts for the principal: Enter the fully qualified DN of the user.

  7. Prompts for the password: Enter the password for the DN specified previously.

    For example:

          C:\temp>c:\JavaCAPS6\netbeans\jdk\bin\java -cp .\stcldap13.jar
  --add --
          Adding a referral credentials entry...
          Enter username >> test
          Enter password >> test
          Enter LDAP Host >>
          Enter LDAP Port >> 389
          Enter the Principal >> cn=Manager,dc=stc,dc=com
          Enter the Credentials >> secret

ProcedureTo View the Contents of the Credentials File

  1. To view LDAP Server connection info in a referral file called samplercf.txt, enter the following parameters on the command line:

          <netbeans_home>\jdk\bin\java -cp ./stcldap13.jar
 --list --
  2. Username and Password are required to access the file. Provide the user name and password given for creating the file previously.

  3. The entries in the file are listed as shown in the following single-entry example:

          1> | 389 | cn=Manager,dc=stc,dc=com | l/
  4. The password is encrypted. To display the password in its decrypted form add --decrypt to the previous command. The output is as follows:

          1> | 389 | cn=Manager,dc=stc,dc=com | secret

    For example:

          C:\temp>c:\JavaCAPS6\netbeans\jdk\bin\java -cp .\stcldap13.jar
  --list --
          Listing entries in the referral credentials file...
          Enter username >> test
          Enter password >> test
          1> | 389 | cn=Manager,dc=stc,dc=com | l/
          C:\temp>c:\JavaCAPS6\netbeans\jdk\bin\java -cp .\stcldap13.jar
  --list --decrypt --
          Listing entries in the referral credentials file...
          Enter username >> test
          Enter password >> test
          1> | 389 | cn=Manager,dc=stc,dc=com | secret

    Other operations, such as removing a credential entry and modifying a credential entry for an entry, can be done using the RCF utility in the same way.

    The following example shows the content of a credentials file, samplercf.txt, with explanatory comments:

          ###This properties file was generated by

          #Do NOT modify this file "by hand" if you don’t understand the
          #or format of this file. Use the utility to create and
          #manage this file.
          #Tue Feb 14 17:49:17 PST 2006
          #New credentials entry that was created.

Where to Go Next

Security/SSL Section Properties.

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