Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

HTTPS Server Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

The HTTPS Server Adapter Properties include parameters used by the external system.

Table 53 HTTP Server Adapter—HTTP Server External Configuration



Required Value 


Specifies the last path component of the HTTPS server servlet URL. The client uses this URL value to access the server. 

The property value must be the servlet name (for example, HttpServerServlet). An example of a valid servlet URL is http://localhost:18001/Deployment1_servlet_HttpServerServlet/HttpServerServlet, where, the URL value comprises several components as follows:

  • App Server: The name of the machine on which your current Application Server is running.

  • 18001: The port number (in this case, the Sun Server port number).

  • Deployment1_servlet_HttpServerServlet: The name of your current Project’s Deployment Profile concatenated with _servlet_HttpServerServlet.

  • HttpServerServlet: The servlet name (equivalent to the servlet_url property).

    Note –

    Set the port number based on the Sun Enterprise Service Bus properties. By default, it is 18001, but it can be modified by the user. Set the Sun Enterprise Service Bus properties using the Environment Explorer. The servlet-url property does not support LDAP values.

A valid URL. 

Where to Go Next

Configuring HTTPS Adapter Connectivity Map Properties.

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