Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

FTP (BatchFTP Connectivity Map)

The FTP section of the BatchFTP Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table.

Table 14 Connectivity Map - BatchFTP - Pre Transfer



Required Value 

Command Connection Timeout

Allows you to set the timeout of the FTP command/control connection socket. Normally, the larger the file you are transferring, the higher this value must be. Of course, the quality of the network connection also affects this setting.

The value is in milliseconds. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. 

An integer from 0 to 2147483647.

The configured default is 45000.

Data Connection Timeout

Allows you to set the timeout of the FTP data connection socket. Normally, a slow or busy network connection requires a higher timeout setting.

The value is in milliseconds. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. 

For setting the timeout of the command/control connection socket, see the parameter Command Connection Timeout.

An integer from 0 to 2147483647.

The configured default is 45000.

Directory Listing Style

Specifies the system that reflects the remote host. This parameter is used to determine the format in which the LIST command returns file-listing information. The Directory Listing Style values include User Defined1 - User Defined10 values. These user defined properties allow you to create multiple user-defined FTP heuristic configurations, and make these selectable from the BatchFTP adapter properties.

You can create corresponding heuristic configurations in the FtpHeuristics.cfg file under the User Defined sections. For more information on setting user defined FTP heuristic properties, see To Modify the FTP Heuristics Configuration File.

Note –

This property is superseded by any value specified in the User Defined Directory Listing Style property (see the User Defined Directory Listing Style property). The User Defined Directory Listing Style property value must be blank (empty) to enable the Directory Listing Style property.

One of the following values, 

  • UNIX

  • AS400

  • AS400-UNIX


  • HCLFTPD 5.1

  • HP NonStop/Tandem

  • MPE

  • MSFTPD 2.0

  • MSP PDS (Fujitsu)

  • MSP PS (Fujitsu)



  • MVS Sequential

  • Netware 4.11

  • NT 3.5

  • NT 4.0

  • UNIX



  • User Defined

  • User Defined (1-10)

  • VM/ESA

  • VMS

  • VOS3 PDS (Hitachi)

  • VOS3 PS (Hitachi)

  • VOSK (Hitachi)

User Defined Directory Listing Style

Specifies the name of a user-defined directory listing style (heuristics) that is available in the user-created FTP heuristics configuration file located on the Application Server.

This property works in conjunction with the Directory Listing Style and User Defined Heuristics Configuration File properties.

For details on how to use the User Defined Directory Listing Style see To Create a Custom Heuristics Configuration File.

Note –

The BatchFTP OTD will generate an exception if a selected User Defined Directory Listing Style or the User Defined Heuristics Configuration File path is not defined correctly. If a User Defined Directory Listing Style is specified, a corresponding value must also be provided for the User Defined Heuristics Configuration File property.

A text string value (default to blank) representing the directory listing style (heuristics) name which is defined in a user supplied heuristics configuration file. 


Allows you to prompt the adapter to enter either the passive or active mode.

Normally, when you connect to an FTP site, the site establishes the data connection to your computer. However, some FTP sites allow passive transfers, meaning that your computer establishes the data connection. 

By default, the passive mode is used. It is recommended that you use this mode for transfers to and from FTP sites that support it. 

The passive mode can be required in the following situations: 

  • For users on networks behind some types of router-based firewalls

  • For users on networks behind a gateway requiring passive transfers

  • If transfers are erratic

  • If data-channel errors are prevalent in your environment

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is Yes.


Specifies the mode used to transfer data to or from the FTP server, using the ASCII, Binary, or EBCDIC mode.

If you choose Ebcdic, make sure of the following: 

  • Your FTP server supports the EBCDIC mode.

  • You are processing EBCDIC data.

Select ASCII, Binary, or EBCDIC.

The configured default is Binary.

Where to Go Next

FTP Raw Commands (BatchFTP Connectivity Map).

More Information

Related Topics

For links to the other topics for this Adapter, go to Related Topics for Sun Adapter for Batch/FTP.