Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

Port-forwarding Configuration

SSH tunneling provides secure FTP command connections. This mechanism is based on an existing SSH port-forwarding configuration. You must configure SSH port forwarding on the SSH listen host before you configure the supporting Adapter Connection.

For example, on the App Server client host localhost, you can issue a command, such as,

ssh -L 4567:apple:21 -o BatchMode=yes apple

Under the adapter’s configuration for the previous example, you must specify,

In this case, the adapter connects to the FTP server apple:21 through an SSH tunnel. For more information on SSH tunneling, see SSH Tunneling Support.

Note –

It is possible to use SOCKS and SSH tunneling at the same time. However, this practice is not recommended.

Where to Go Next

General Settings (BatchFTP Connectivity Map).

More Information

Related Topics

For links to the other topics for this Adapter, go to Related Topics for Sun Adapter for Batch/FTP.