Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

Pre Transfer (BatchLocalFile Connectivity Map)

This section provides information about configuring the Pre Transfer parameters. Pre-transfer operations are those operations executed right before the actual data transfer.

The Pre Transfer section of the BatchLocalFile Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 27 Connectivity Map - BatchLocalFile - Pre Transfer



Required Value 

Pre Directory Name

Specifies the directory name (path) on the external system in which a file is renamed or copied. This setting is only for the Rename or Copy operations of Pre Transfer Command parameter. The value can be a literal, or pattern name.

For outbound transfers, the directory is created if it does not already exist. 

Special characters are allowed. For example, the pattern %f indicates the original working directory name. The expansion of any special characters is carried out each time this parameter is used.

Note –

For path separator, use the forward slash “ / ” instead of the back slash “ \ ”. The adapter interprets the back slash as a special character. For example, use c:/temp/dir.

See the Pre Directory Name Is Pattern property.

Enter the exact name of the directory (with the path), enter a pattern name, or select one of the following values: 

  • %f

  • %f.%y%y%y%y%M%M%d%d.


  • %f.copy

  • %f.rename

Pre Directory Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the Pre Directory Name represents a literal or a name pattern, as follows:

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

    See the Pre Directory Name Is Pattern property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Pre File Name

Specifies the file name on the external system, to which a file is renamed or copied. This setting is only for the Rename or Copy operations of Pre Transfer Command parameter. The value can be a literal or pattern name.

Special characters are allowed, for example, the pattern %f indicates the original working file name. The expansion of any special characters is carried out each time this parameter is used.

See the Pre File Name Is Pattern property.

Enter the exact name of the file, enter a pattern name, or select one of the following values: 

  • %f

  • %f%#

  • %f.%y%y%y%y%M%M%d%d.%h


  • %f.copy

  • %f.rename

Pre File Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the Pre File Name represents a literal or a name pattern, as follows:

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

See the Pre File Name property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Pre Transfer Command

Allows you to determine the action executed directly before the actual file transfer.

In the case of an inbound file transfer, you can make the file unavailable to other clients polling the target system through the same directory and file pattern or name. In the case of an outbound transfer, you can make an automatic backup of the existing file. The options are as follows: 

  • Rename: Rename the target file.

  • Copy: Copy the target file.

  • None: Do nothing.

Select Rename, Copy, or None; the default is None.

Note –

Rename and Copy overwrite the file or directory specified by the Pre Directory Name and Pre Transfer Name parameter, if it exists.

Where to Go Next

For information on BatchLocalFile Sequence Numbering configuration, go to Sequence Numbering (BatchLocalFile Connectivity Map).

More Information

Related Topics

For links to the other topics for this Adapter, go to Related Topics for Sun Adapter for Batch/FTP.