Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

Settings (BatchInbound Connectivity Map)

The BatchInbound Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 26 Connectivity Map - BatchInbound- Settings



Required Value 

Directory Name

Specifies the input directory name (path). It indicates the directory that the BatchInbound adapter polls for trigger or data files. The value can be a literal or a regular expression. 

Note –

For path separator, use the forward slash “ / ” instead of the back slash “ \ ”. The adapter interprets the back slash as a special character. For example, use c:/temp/dir.

See the Directory Name is Pattern property.

The directory name. 

Directory Name is Pattern

Specifies whether the Directory Name represents a literal, or a regular expression, as follows: 

  • True: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a regular expression

  • False: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

    Note –

    Improper use may cause recursive matching.

See the Directory Name property.

Select True or False.

The configured default is False.

File Name

Specifies the input filename. The value can be a literal or a regular expression. 

See the File Name Is Pattern property.

A file name. 

File Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the target file name represents a literal or a regular expression, as follows,

  • True: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • False: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

See the File Name property.

Select True or False.

The configured default is True.

Schedule Interval

Specifies the polling interval, or number of milliseconds between each poll of the input directory by the adapter for input files. 

A number indicating the length of time in Milliseconds between adapter polls of the directory. 

The configured default is 5000 (or 5 seconds).

Where to Go Next

For information on Batch Adapter BatchLocalFile configuration, go to Configuring Batch Adapter BatchInbound Connectivity Map Properties.

More Information

Related Topics

For links to the other topics for this Adapter, go to Related Topics for Sun Adapter for Batch/FTP.