Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

Connectivity Map Inbound Adapter General Settings

The Inbound Adapter General Settings are included in the table.

Table 1 Inbound Adapter—General Settings



Required Value 

Scope of State

Defines the scope of the State object, which is an OTD sub-node. 

The valid options for this parameter are: 

  • Connection Level: The State has the same life cycle as the connection.

  • Resource Adapter Level: The State has the same life cycle as the resource adapter. The life terminates when the resource adapter is recycled.

  • OTD Level: The State has the same life cycle as the OTD object. This scope represents the life cycle of the State. The life terminates when the collaboration finishes.

    The default is Connection Level.

Where to Go Next

Connectivity Map Inbound Adapter SNA Settings.

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