Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

Configuring SNA Inbound Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

The SNA Inbound adapter Connectivity Map consists of the following properties categories.

Connectivity Map Inbound Adapter General Settings

The Inbound Adapter General Settings are included in the table.

Table 1 Inbound Adapter—General Settings



Required Value 

Scope of State

Defines the scope of the State object, which is an OTD sub-node. 

The valid options for this parameter are: 

  • Connection Level: The State has the same life cycle as the connection.

  • Resource Adapter Level: The State has the same life cycle as the resource adapter. The life terminates when the resource adapter is recycled.

  • OTD Level: The State has the same life cycle as the OTD object. This scope represents the life cycle of the State. The life terminates when the collaboration finishes.

    The default is Connection Level.

Where to Go Next

Connectivity Map Inbound Adapter SNA Settings.

Related Topics

Connectivity Map Inbound Adapter SNA Settings

The Inbound Adapter SNA Settings are included in the table.

Table 2 Inbound Adapter—SNA Settings



Required Value 

Packet Size

The number of bytes per packet of data. This number also determines the size of the buffers. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 1024.


Specifies the milliseconds of pause before receiving a response from a server following a sent request. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 1000.

Initialize Conversation

Specifies how the adapter will establish a SNA conversation. Options are: 

  • True: The adapter will initialize SNA conversations as an invoking TP.

  • False: The adapter will accept SNA conversations as an invoking TP.

Select True or False.

The default is False.

Deallocation Type

Specifies the type of deallocation required at the end of a conversation when a shutdown is issued. Please refer to your SNA documentation for more information. 

Select one of the following four options: 

  • 0 - SYNC_LEVEL.

  • 1 - FLUSH

  • 2 - CONFIRM

  • 3 - ABEND

The default is 0 - SYNC_LEVEL.

Synchronization Level

Specifies the synchronization level parameter (CM_SYNC_LEVEL). Please refer to your SNA manual for more information. 

0 - None (Default)

1 - Confirm

Select the following: 

  • 0 - None

  • 1 - Confirm

The default is 0 - None..

Custom Handshake Class Name

Defines your SNA handshake logic (see Appendix B to deploy a custom handshake class). 

A fully qualified class name such as The class must implement the interface No value (leaving the property blank) indicates that no SNA conversation handshake logic is defined. Instead, a built-in standard handshake logic is used.

Where to Go Next

Connectivity Map Inbound Adapter Connection Establishment.

Related Topics

Connectivity Map Inbound Adapter Connection Establishment

The Inbound Adapter Connection Establishment properties are included in the table.

Table 3 Inbound Adapter—Connection Establishment



Required Value 

Max Connection Retry

Specifies the maximum number of retries to establish a connection upon failure to acquire one. 

A valid numeric value.  

The default is 3.

Retry Connection Interval

Specifies the milliseconds of pause before each attempt to reaccess the SNA LU62 destination. This setting is used in conjunction with the Max Connection Retry setting. 

For example, In the event that the adapter cannot connect to the SNA destination, the adapter will try to reconnect three times in 30 second intervals when the Connection Retries value is 3 and the Connection Retry Interval is 30000. 

A valid numeric value.  

The default is 30000.

Where to Go Next

Connectivity Map Inbound Adapter Inbound Connection Management.

Related Topics

Connectivity Map Inbound Adapter Inbound Connection Management

The Inbound Adapter Inbound Connection Management properties are included in the table.

Table 4 Inbound Adapter—Inbound Connection Management



Required Value 

Max Connection Pool Size

Defines the maximum number of concurrent connections for the particular listener/monitor over the specified SNALU62 destination. 0 (zero) indicates that there is no maximum. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 50.

Scope of Connection

Defines the scope of the accepted connection used by the adapter. Options are: 

  • Collaboration Level: The connection will be closed once the execution of the Collaboration is completed. The connection has the same life cycle as the Collaboration.

  • Resource Adaptor Level: The resource adapter will close the connection upon closure request. The connection may remain live across multiple executions of the Collaboration.

Select Collaboration Level or Resource Adaptor Level.

The default is Resource Adaptor Level.

Where to Go Next

Connectivity Map Inbound Adapter Inbound Schedules.

Connectivity Map Inbound Adapter Inbound Schedules

This section describes the following,

Listener Schedule

Listener Schedule properties specify the schedule that the server must wait for the new client connection establishment request. This schedule is for the listener/monitor. The Listener Schedule properties are included in the table.

Table 5 Inbound Schedules—Listener Schedule



Required Value 


Specifies the scheduler type for this inbound communication. Options are: 

  • Timer Service: The task is scheduled according to the Schedule Type, Delay, Period, and At Fixed Rate values.

  • Work Manager: The work is scheduled according to the Schedule Type, Delay, and Period values.

    If your container does not support JCA Work Management (prior to JCA1.5), select Timer Service.

Select Timer Service or Work Manager.

The default is Work Manager.

Schedule Type

Defines the type of schedule for inbound communication. Repeated indicates a task is scheduled for repeated execution at regular intervals defined by the parameter Period. 

The configured default is Repeated.

Note –

This value cannot be changed.


Specifies the delay in milliseconds before a task is executed. For further details, refer to the SNA Adapter Javadoc. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 0.


Specifies the regular interval in milliseconds between successive task executions. This parameter is used in conjunction with the Schedule Type parameter when set to Repeated. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 100.

At Fixed Rate

Used in conjunction with the Repeated setting for the Schedule Type parameter and the Timer Service type of Scheduler. Options are: 

  • True: Denotes a fixed rate. Each execution is scheduled relative to the scheduled time of the initial execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason, two or more executions will occur in rapid succession to return to the preset execution schedule. Overall, the frequency of executions will be exactly the reciprocal of the specified period.

  • False: Denotes a fixed delay. Each execution is scheduled relative to the actual execution time of the previous execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason, subsequent executions are delayed as well. Overall, the frequency of executions will generally be lower than the reciprocal of the specified period.

Select True or False.

The default is False.

Service Schedule

The Inbound Adapter Service Schedule properties are included in the table.

Table 6 Inbound Schedules—Service Schedule



Required Value 


Specifies the scheduler type for this inbound communication. Options are: 

  • Timer Service: The task is scheduled according to the Schedule Type, Delay, Period, and At Fixed Rate values.

  • Work Manager: The work is scheduled according to the Schedule Type, Delay, and Period values.

    If your container does not support JCA Work Management (prior to JCA1.5), select Timer Service.

Select Timer Service or Work Manager.

The default is Work Manager.

Schedule Type

Defines the type of schedule for inbound communication. Options are: 

  • One Time: A task is scheduled for a one-time execution.

  • Repeated: A task is scheduled for repeated execution at regular intervals defined by the parameter Period.

Select One Time or Repeated.

The default is Repeated.


Specifies the delay in milliseconds before a task is executed. For further details, refer to the SNA Adapter Javadoc.

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 0.


Specifies the regular interval in milliseconds between successive task executions. This parameter is used in conjunction with the Schedule Type parameter when set to Repeated. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 100.

At Fixed Rate

Used in conjunction with the Repeated setting for the Schedule Type parameter and the Timer Service type of Scheduler. Options are: 

  • True: Denotes a fixed rate. Each execution is scheduled relative to the scheduled time of the initial execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason, two or more executions will occur in rapid succession to return to the preset execution schedule. Overall, the frequency of executions will be exactly the reciprocal of the specified period.

  • False: Denotes a fixed delay. Each execution is scheduled relative to the actual execution time of the previous execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason, subsequent executions are delayed as well. Overall, the frequency of executions will generally be lower than the reciprocal of the specified period.

Select True or False.

The default is False.

Where to Go Next

Connectivity Map Outbound Adapter General Settings.

Related Topics

Connectivity Map Outbound Adapter General Settings

The Outbound Adapter General Settings are included in the table.

Table 7 Outbound Adapter—General Settings



Required Value 

Scope of State

Defines the scope of the State object, which is an OTD sub-node. 

The valid options for this parameter are: 

  • Connection Level: The State has the same life cycle as the connection.

  • Resource Adapter Level: The State has the same life cycle as the resource adapter. The life terminates when the resource adapter is recycled.

  • OTD Level: The State has the same life cycle as the OTD object. This scope represents the life cycle of the State. The life terminates when the collaboration finishes.

    The default is Connection Level.

Where to Go Next

Connectivity Map Outbound Adapter SNA Settings.

Related Topics

Connectivity Map Outbound Adapter SNA Settings

The Outbound Adapter SNA Settings are included in the table.

Table 8 Outbound Adapter—SNA Settings



Required Value 

Packet Size

The number of bytes per packet of data. This number also determines the size of the buffers. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 1024.


Specifies the milliseconds of pause before receiving a response from a server following a sent request. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 1000.

Initialize Conversation

Specifies how the adapter will establish a SNA conversation. Options are: 

  • True: The adapter will initialize SNA conversations as an invoking TP.

  • False: The adapter will accept SNA conversations as an invokable TP.

Select True or False.

The default is True.

Deallocation Type

Specifies the type of deallocation required at the end of a conversation when a shutdown is issued. Please refer to your SNA documentation for more information. 

Select one of the following four options: 

  • 0 - SYNC_LEVEL.

  • 1 - FLUSH

  • 2 - CONFIRM

  • 3 - ABEND

The default is 0 - SYNC_LEVEL.

Synchroniza-tion Level

Specifies the synchronization level parameter (CM_SYNC_LEVEL). Please refer to your SNA manual for more information.

  • 0 - None (Default)

  • 1 - Confirm

Select one of the following two options: 

  • 0 - None

  • 1 - Confirm.

The default is 0 - None.

Custom Handshake Class Name

Defines your SNA handshake logic (see Appendix B to deploy a custom handshake class). 

A fully qualified class name such as The class must implement the interface CustomerHandshake. No value (leaving the property blank) indicates that no SNA conversation handshake logic is defined. Instead, a built-in standard handshake logic is used.

Where to Go Next

Connectivity Map Outbound Adapter Connection Establishment.

Related Topics

Connectivity Map Outbound Adapter Connection Establishment

The Outbound Adapter Connection Establishment properties are included in the table.

Table 9 Outbound Adapter—Connection Establishment



Required Value 

Connection Mode

Specifies how or when a connection will become available. Options are: 

  • Automatic: The adapter will establish a SNA conversation automatically.

  • Manual: The SNA conversation will become available to you only when you manually call the OTD function startConversation() from the Collaboration; the conversation will become unavailable when you call the OTD function endConversation().

    Note –

    The OTD functions startConversation() and endConversation() are expected for Manual mode only. Automatic mode does not allow you to call them explicitly.

Select Automatic or Manual.

The default is Automatic.

Max Connection Retry

Specifies the maximum number of retries to establish a connection upon failure to acquire one. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 3.

Retry Connection Interval

Specifies the milliseconds of pause before each attempt to reaccess the SNA LU62 destination. This setting is used in conjunction with the Max Connection Retry setting. 

For example, In the event that the adapter cannot connect to the SNA destination, the adapter will try to reconnect three times in 30 second intervals when the Connection Retries value is 3 and the Connection Retry Interval is 30000. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 30000.

Always Create New Connection

Specifies whether to ALWAYS attempt to create a new connection for a connection establishment request. Options are: 

  • True: The adapter will always attempt to create a new connection without trying to match connection.

  • False: The adapter will attempt to match an existing connection.

Select True or False.

The default is False.

Auto Reconnect Upon Matching Failure

Specifies whether or not to make an attempt to re-connect automatically after getting a matched connection from a container. Options are: 

  • True: The adapter will discard the invalid matched connection and will attempt to establish another connection automatically.

  • False: The adapter will not attempt to establish a new connection automatically. Instead, control will be deferred to your business rules which will detect this type of failure and perform the desired operations accordingly.

Select True or False.

The default is True.

Auto Disconnect Connection

Specifies whether the adapter disconnects automatically after the work on the connection is completed. Options are: 

  • True: The adapter connection will be disconnected and it will not be re-used.

  • False: The connection will be left for reuse.

Select True or False.

The default is False.

Where to Go Next

To choose the Adapter type that you want to configure, go toConfiguring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters.

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