Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

Configuring TCP/IP HL7 V2 Adapter Inbound Connectivity Map Properties

The TCP/IP HL7 V2 Server Inbound adapter configuration properties, accessed from the Connectivity Map, are organized into the following sections:

General Inbound Settings — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

The General Inbound Settings section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 63 Connectivity Map - General Inbound Settings



Required Value 

Max Data Size

Specifies the maximum amount of data that the programs can hold internally. The valid range is from 1 to 2GB (which is the maximum value of a Java integer).

A number indicating the maximum amount of data. The valid range is from 1 to 2147483647 (bytes).

The configured default is 2147483647.

Scope Of State

Defines the scope of State object, which is an OTD node. The options for this parameter are: 

  • Resource Adapter Level: The State has the same life cycle as the resource adapter.

  • Connection Level: The State has the same life cycle as the connection.

  • OTD Level: The State has the same life cycle as the OTD object.

    This scope represents the life cycle of the State.

Select one of the following: 

  • Resource Adapter Level

  • Connection Level

  • OTD Level

The configured default is Resource Adapter Level.

Dedicated Session Mode

Specifies whether the server Dedicated Session Mode is enabled or disabled. When the server Dedicated Session Mode is enabled, the current client’s request exclusively holds the server port to which it connects. The next client’s request to the same port is blocked or rejected until the previous request concludes and releases the connection. 

Select True or False.

True indicates that Dedicated Session Mode is enabled.

The configured default is False.

Where to Go Next

TCPIP Inbound Settings — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

Related Topics

TCPIP Inbound Settings — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

The TCPIP Inbound Settings section presents the java Socket and ServerSocket options. This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 64 Connectivity Map - TCPIP Inbound Settings



Required Value 

Connection Type

Specifies how the adapter establishes the TCP/IP connection: 

  • Client: The adapter connects to an external server (host/port) to establish the connection. The adapter is in active mode.

  • Server: The adapter waits/listens on a certain port for an incoming connection request from an external client. Once the request is received, the adapter accepts the request and establishes the connection. The adapter is in passive mode.

Select Client or Server.

Server is the default setting. Unless you specifically require Client mode, leave this value as the default: Server.

ServerSO Timeout

Sets or gets the value of the SO_TIMEOUT for ServerSocket, in milliseconds. Used for ServerSocket.accept(). When this option is set to a non-zero timeout, calling accept() for this ServerSocket will block for the configured length of time. If the timeout expires, a (or is thrown, but the ServerSocket remains valid. Enable this option prior to entering the blocking operation. This parameter is only used when the Connection Type is set as Server

The a number indicating the Server SO Timeout in milliseconds.

The timeout must be greater than zero (0). A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.

The configured default is 60000 (60 seconds).

Server Socket Factory Implementa-tion Class Name

Specifies the name of the Java class that implements the server socket factory. This class is used to create the server socket. If you have provided your own server socket implementation, enter the name of the Java class that contains this implementation here. The factory implementation class must implement the following interface:

A valid Java class name; the default is:

Keep Alive

Specifies whether the client’s SO_KEEPALIVE option is enabled or disabled. When the option is set for a TCP socket and no data has been exchanged across the socket in either direction for 2 hours, TCP automatically sends a KEEPALIVE probe to the peer (the actual value is implementation dependent). This probe is a TCP segment to which the peer must respond. One of three responses is expected: 

  1. The peer responds with the expected ACK. The application is not notified (since everything is OK). TCP will send another probe following another 2 hours of inactivity.

  2. The peer responds with an RST, which tells the local TCP that the peer host has crashed and rebooted. The socket is closed.

  3. There is no response from the peer. The socket is closed. The purpose of this option is to detect if the peer host has crashed. This is used for the accepted client Socket.

Select True or False.

True indicates that server SO_KEEPALIVE option is enabled.

Note –

For some properties, the server socket itself does not have direct properties settings associated with it. Instead, the properties map to the accepted client socket.

Receive Buffer Size

Sets or gets the value of the SO_RCVBUF option for the current socket, that is the buffer size used by the operating system for input on this socket. It provides an estimate of the size of the underlying buffers used by the platform for incoming network I/O. When used in set, this is a suggestion for the kernel from the application regarding the size of buffers to use for the data to be received over the socket. When used in get, this must return the actual size of the buffer used by the platform when receiving data on this socket.

A number indicating the receive buffer size. 

The configured default is 8192.

Send Buffer Size

Sets or gets the value of the SO_SNDBUF option for the current socket, that is the buffer size used by the operating system for output on this socket. It provides an estimate of the size of the underlying buffers used by the platform for outgoing network I/O. When used in set, this is a suggestion for the kernel from the application regarding the size of buffers to use for the data to be sent over the socket. When used in get, this must return the actual size of the buffer used by the platform when sending out data on this socket.

A number indicating the send buffer size. 

The configured default is 8192.


Specifies whether the adapter performs a linger-on-close timeout. This option disables/enables immediate return from a close() of a TCP Socket. This parameter is used in conjunction with SoLinger Timeout.

  • True with SoLinger Timeout set to a non-zero integer timeout: This means that a close() will block, pending the transmission and acknowledgement of all data written to the peer, at which point the socket is closed gracefully. Upon reaching the linger timeout, the socket is closed forcefully with a TCP RST.

  • True with SoLinger Timeout set to a timeout of zero: Indicates that a forceful close is done immediately. See the SoLinger Timeout the property.

Select True or False.

True enables the SO_Linger option.

SoLinger Timeout

Specifies the server’s SoLinger time-out in seconds. SoLinger Timeout is used in conjunction with SoLinger (see the SoLingerproperty value to configure the “linger-on-close” timeout.

When SoLinger is set to true (enabled), the SoLinger Timeout value indicates the following:

  • A non-zero integer means that calling close() will block, pending the transmission and acknowledgement of all data written to the peer, at which point the socket is closed gracefully. Upon reaching the linger timeout, the socket is closed forcefully with a TCP RST. If the specified timeout value exceeds 65,535 it will be reduced to 65,535.

  • A zero integer indicates that a forceful close is done immediately.

An integer between -1 and 65535. The default is -1 seconds, which indicates that the SoLinger option is disabled (set as false).

Zero (0) indicates that SoLinger immediately performs a forceful close. An integer of 1 to 65535 indicates the number of seconds for the time-out.


Sets or gets the value of the SoTimeout in milliseconds. Used for the accepted client socket. With this option set to a non-zero timeout, calling read() on the InputStream associated with this socket will block for only the configured length of time. If the timeout expires, a (or is thrown, but the Socket remains valid.

Enable this option prior to entering the blocking operation. 

The SoTimeout value in milliseconds. The configured default is 10000 (10 seconds).

The timeout must be greater than 0 (zero). A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.


Specifies whether the server’s TcpNoDelay option (that is, Nagle’s algorithm) is enabled or disabled.

  • True: Indicates that the server allows data packets that are less than the maximum transfer unit (MTU) size to be sent out immediately over the network. A setting of True may improve performance for higher-speed networks.

  • False: Indicates that the server does not allow data packets that are less than the MTU size be sent out immediately over the network.

    This is used for the accepted client socket.

Select True or False.

The configured default is False.

Where to Go Next

TCPIP Inbound Settings - Server Port Binding — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter.

Related Topics

TCPIP Inbound Settings - Server Port Binding — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

The TCPIP Inbound Settings - Server Port Binding section defines the parameters used for controlling the server port binding. This section is only used when the Connection Type is set as Server.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Note –

This section is only used when the Connection Type is set as Server.

Table 65 Connectivity Map - TCPIP Inbound Settings - Server Port Binding



Required Value 

Max Binding Retry

Specifies the maximum number of times the adapter will attempt to bind to the specified TCP/IP port on the localhost. 

An integer indicating the number of bind attempts. 

The configured default is 3.

Retry Binding Interval

Specifies the length of time (in milliseconds) the adapter waits between attempts to bind to the specified TCP/IP port on the localhost. 

An integer indicating the length of time in milliseconds that the adapter waits between attempts. 

The configured default is 30000 (30 seconds).

Where to Go Next

TCPIP Inbound Settings - Client Connection Establishment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

Related Topics

TCPIP Inbound Settings - Client Connection Establishment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

The TCPIP Inbound Settings - Client Connection Establishment section defines some configuration parameters used for controlling the connection establishment. This section is only used when the Connection Type is set as Client.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Note –

This section is only used when the Connection Type is set as Client.

Table 66 Connectivity Map - TCPIP Inbound Settings - Client Connection Establishment



Required Value 

Time to Wait Before Attempting Connection

Specifies the length of time (in milliseconds) that the adapter waits before attempting to connect to the external system. 

A number indicating the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before attempting to connect to an external system. 

The configured default is 30000 (30 seconds).

Where to Go Next

TCPIP Inbound Settings - Inbound Connection Management — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter.

Related Topics

TCPIP Inbound Settings - Inbound Connection Management — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

The TCPIP Inbound Settings - Inbound Connection Management section defines the parameters used for inbound Server Connection Management. For example, the connection pool and the life cycle of the accepted connection.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 67 Connectivity Map - TCPIP Inbound Settings - Inbound Connection Management



Required Value 

Max Connection Pool Size

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed for the specific listener/monitor which is listening on, or monitoring a specified TCP/IP port. This represents the capability or availability of this server’s services. Each connect-request from a client gains one concurrent connection. This parameter also represents the maximum number of clients who can concurrently connect to this server’s services, and get served by the specific listener/monitor at the same time. 

A number indicating the maximum number of concurrent connections available from a listener/monitor for a specific TCP/IP port. 0 indicates that there is no limit.

The configured default is 50.

Scope Of Connection

Specifies the scope of the accepted connection which is used by the adapter. The two options are: 

  • Resource Adapter Level: The resource adapter will close the connection upon closure request (by way of ClosureCommandMessage), so the connection may “keep alive” during multiple executions of the Collaboration.

  • Collaboration Level: The connection is closed once the Collaboration has been executed, so the connection has the same life cycle as the Collaboration.

Select Resource Adapter Level or Collaboration Level.

The configured default value is Resource Adapter Level.

Close Notification

Specifies the close notification value. When the server receives a notification with content that matches this parameter’s value, the server safely closes the connection and cancels any corresponding schedules. 

A String indicating the trigger value that notifies the server to close the connection. 

The configured default is QUIT.

Idle Timeout

Specifies the length of time (in milliseconds) for inactivity of the requestor (client). The adapter attempts to detect activity on client side (the other side of the connection). If no client activity (no i/o request comes over the connection from the client) for a specified time period, then the connection is closed from the server side to release the resource. The value is in milliseconds. If you want to disable this IdleTimeout checking, just specify 0 for this parameter. 

An integer that indicates the length of time in milliseconds. A value of 0 disables IdleTimeout.

The configured default is 60000.

Where to Go Next

TCPIP Inbound Schedules - Listener Schedule — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter.

Related Topics

TCPIP Inbound Schedules - Listener Schedule — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

This section configures the scheduler used by the inbound TCP/IP Server. The server waits for a new client connection establishment request. These parameters are used to configure the listener/monitor that listens on the specified port.

Two J2EE schedulers are available (see the table below):

Both schedulers provide the functionality required by the inbound TCP/IP Server.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 68 Connectivity Map - TCPIP Inbound Schedules - Listener Schedule



Required Value 


Specifies the scheduler type for this inbound communication. There are two options: 

  • Timer Service: The task is scheduled through the J2EE Timer Service. Timer Service is supported by J2EE.

  • Work Manager: The task is scheduled through the J2EE Work Manager. Work Manager is supported by J2EE (JCA 1.5 and above).

Select Timer Service or Work Manager.

If your container doesn’t support JCA Work Manager, select Timer Service.

Schedule Type

This property configuration, though visible from the Properties Editor, is disabled. The only available schedule type is Repeated, indicating that the task is scheduled for repeated execution at regular intervals defined by the Period property in this section (see the Period property).

This field is not enabled. 


Applies to both the Timer Service or the Work Manager. Specifies, in milliseconds, the length of delay time before the task is executed.

An integer indicating the length of time before the task is executed, in milliseconds. 


Applies to both the Timer Service or the Work Manager. Specifies the regular interval, in milliseconds, between successive task executions.

An integer indicating the length of time between successive task executions, in milliseconds. 

At Fixed Rate

Specific to the Timer Service configuration only. Specifies whether a Fixed-Rate execution or Fixed-Delay execution is used.

  • Fixed-Rate: A fixed-rate execution means that each execution is scheduled relative to the scheduled time of the initial execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason (such as garbage collection or other background activity), two or more executions will occur in rapid succession to “catch up.” In the long run, the frequency of execution will be exactly the reciprocal of the specified period (assuming the system clock underlying Object.wait(long) is accurate).

  • Fixed-Delay: A fixed-delay execution means that each execution is scheduled relative to the actual time of the previous execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason (such as garbage collection or other background activity), subsequent executions will be delayed as well. As a result, the frequency of execution will generally be slightly lower than the reciprocal of the specified period, assuming the system clock underlying Object.wait(long) is accurate.

Select True or False.

True indicates that a fixed-rate execution is used. False indicates that a fixed-delay execution is used.

Where to Go Next

TCPIP Inbound Schedules - Service Schedule TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter.

Related Topics

TCPIP Inbound Schedules - Service Schedule TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

This section configures the scheduler used by the TCP/IP Server that executes the business tasks (Collaboration Rules) over the existing connection. This scheduler affects the actual Business Rules defined by the user.

Two J2EE schedulers are available (see the Table 68):

Both schedulers provide the functionality required by the inbound TCP/IP Server.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 69 Connectivity Map - TCPIP Inbound Schedules - Service Schedule



Required Value 


Specifies the scheduler type for this inbound communication. There are two options: 

  • Timer Service: The task is scheduled through the J2EE Timer Service. Timer Service is supported by J2EE.

  • Work Manager: The task is scheduled through the J2EE Work Manager. Work Manager is supported by J2EE (JCA 1.5 and above).

Select Timer Service or Work Manager. If your container doesn’t support JCA Work Manager, select Timer Service.

Schedule Type

Applies to both the Timer Service or the Work Manager. Specifies whether the task is scheduled to occur once or be repeated.

  • OneTime: The task will be scheduled for one-time execution.

  • Repeated: The task will be scheduled for repeated execution at regular intervals defined by Period property (see the Period property in the Table 68).

Select OneTime or Repeated.


Applies to both the Timer Service or the Work Manager. Specifies, in milliseconds, the length of delay time before the task is executed.

An integer indicating the length of time, in milliseconds, before the task is executed. 


Applies to both the Timer Service or the Work Manager. Specifies the regular interval, in milliseconds, between successive task executions. This is used for the Repeated schedule type (see the Schedule Type property in the Table 68)

An integer indicating the length of time, in milliseconds, between successive task executions. 

At Fixed Rate

Specific to the Timer Service configuration only. Specifies whether a Fixed-Rate execution or Fixed-Delay execution is used. This is used for the “Repeated” schedule type by the “Timer Service” scheduler.

  • Fixed-Rate: A fixed-rate execution means that each execution is scheduled relative to the scheduled time of the initial execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason (such as garbage collection or other background activity), two or more executions will occur in rapid succession to “catch up.” In the long run, the frequency of execution will be exactly the reciprocal of the specified period (assuming the system clock underlying Object.wait(long) is accurate).

  • Fixed-Delay: A fixed-delay execution means that each execution is scheduled relative to the actual time of the previous execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason (such as garbage collection or other background activity), subsequent executions will be delayed as well. As a result, the frequency of execution will generally be slightly lower than the reciprocal of the specified period, assuming the system clock underlying Object.wait(long) is accurate.

Select True or False.

True indicates that a fixed-rate execution is used.

False indicates that a fixed-delay execution is used.

Where to Go Next

HL7 Acknowledgment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter.

Related Topics

HL7 Acknowledgment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

Specifies how the application acknowledgment Events are handled. This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 70 Connectivity Map - HL7 Acknowledgment



Required Value 

Acknowledgment Level

Specifies whether the external application sends an HL7 application Acknowledgement after successfully receiving a message, or after the message has been successfully committed to the application database. The options are: 

  • A: Application acknowledgment. The acknowledgement is sent after the message is successfully and functionally processed by one receiving system.

  • C: Commit (accept) acknowledgment. The acknowledgement is sent when the message is successfully received.

Select A or C.

The configured default is A.

eGate Sends App Acks

Specifies whether the HL7 application acknowledgment sent to the external system is generated by the adapter or forwarded from the application server. 

  • True indicates that the app server receives or creates the HL7 application acknowledgment and sends it to the adapter, which in turn forwards it to the external system.

  • False indicates that the adapter creates and sends the HL7 application acknowledgment directly to the external system.

    This parameter is used for inbound Collaboration code.

Select True or False.

The configured default is False.

Forward External Acks

Specifies whether the HL7 application acknowledgment is forwarded to the app server. When an HL7 application acknowledgment is received, it is sometimes necessary to forward the contents of the HL7 application acknowledgment to the app server (as data). 

  • True indicates that adapter forwards HL7 application acknowledgments from the external system to the app server for processing.

  • False indicates that HL7 application acknowledgments from the external system are not forwarded to the app server by the adapter.

    This parameter is used for inbound Collaboration code.

Select True or False.

The configured default is False.

Timeout For Delayed Ack

Specifies the timeout value for delayed ACK in milliseconds. 

This parameter is used for the inbound Collaboration code. 

A number indicating the timeout in milliseconds. 

The configured default is 30000 (30 seconds).

Where to Go Next

Lower Layer Protocol — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter.

Related Topics

Lower Layer Protocol — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

Provides Lower Layer Protocol (LLP) configuration settings.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 71 Connectivity Map - Lower Layer Protocol



Required Value 

LLP Type

Specifies the LLP (Lower Layer Protocol) type. The valid types are: 

  • MLLP (Minimal Lower Layer Protocol)

  • HLLP (Hybrid Lower Layer Protocol)

    For more information on the available envelope types see Lower Layer Protocol in TCP/IP HL7 adapter Operation.

  • MLLP v2.0 (Minimal Lower Layer Protocol v2.0)

Select MLLP or HLLP or MLLP v2.0.

MLLP is the configured default value.

Start Block Character

Specifies the Start Block Character (the first envelope marker character in the HL7 envelope) as a decimal ASCII number.

A decimal within the range of 1 to 127. Unless there is a conflict, the value should be ASCII VT (decimal 11).

The default value is 11.

End Data Character

Specifies the End Data Character (The second to the last envelope marker character in the HL7 envelope) as a decimal ASCII number. The allowed range is 1 to 127.

A decimal within the range of 1 to 127. Unless there is a conflict, the value should be ASCII FS (decimal 28).

The default value is 28.

End Block Character

Specifies the End Block Character (the last envelope marker character in the HL7 envelope) as a decimal ASCII number.

A decimal within the range of 1 to 127. To be strictly compliant with the HL7 Standard, this parameter MUST be set to a Carriage Return (decimal 13).

The default value is 13.

HLLP Checksum Enabled

Specifies whether the HLLP (Hybrid Lower Level Protocol) Checksum is enabled or disabled.

Select True or False.

True indicates that the HLLP Checksum is enabled.

Max Number of Retries

The maximum number of times the adapter will try sending the message upon receiving the MLLP v2.0 Negative Commit Acknowledgement from the peer before giving up. 

This parameter is used by HL7 adapter in outbound mode. 

An integer indicating the number of times the adapter will try sending the message upon receiving the MLLP v2.0 Negative Commit Acknowledgement from the peer.  

The configured default value is 5.

Where to Go Next

Sequence Number Protocol — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter.

Related Topics

Sequence Number Protocol — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

Provides sequence number protocol configuration settings. HL7 sequence numbering is used to help prevent duplication of data.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 72 Connectivity Map - Sequence Number Protocol



Required Value 

Sequence Number Enabled

Specifies whether Sequence Number Protocol is enabled or disabled. HL7 sequence numbering is used to help prevent duplication of data. True indicates that sequence numbering is enabled.

Select True or False.

The configured default is True.

Where to Go Next

HL7 MSH Segment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter.

Related Topics

HL7 MSH Segment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

Provides HL7 MSH Header segment configuration settings.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 73 Connectivity Map - HL7 MSH Segment



Required Value 

Field Separator

Specifies the separator between the segment ID and the first real field. This value defines the character that is used as a separator for the rest of the message. 

This is the first field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-01). 

Field Separator character value as a decimal ASCII number. The allowed range is 1 to 127.

The default setting is 124 which is the character ’|’.

Encoding Characters

Specifies four encoding characters in the following order: 

  • Component separator

  • Repetition separator

  • Escape character

  • Subcomponent separator

    This is the second field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-02).

HL7 encoding characters in the respective order. 

The configured default is: ^~\& (ASCII 94, 126, 92, and 38) respectively.

Sending Application

Specifies the sending application among other applications within the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of the applications that participate in the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. 

This is the third field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-03). 

User defined value for the HL7 sending application. 

The Configured default is Sun HL7 adapter.

Sending Facility

Specifies (further identifies) the sending application among multiple identical instances of the application running on behalf of different organizations. 

This is the forth field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-04). 

User defined value for the HL7 sending facility. 

The Configured default is Sun HL7 adapter.

Receiving Application

Specifies the receiving application among other applications within the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of the applications that participate in the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. 

This is the fifth field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-05). 

User defined value for the HL7 receiving application. 

The Configured default is Sun HL7 adapter.

Receiving Facility

Specifies (further identifies) the receiving application among multiple identical instances of the application running on behalf of different organizations. 

This is the sixth field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-06). 

User defined value for the HL7 receiving facility. 

The Configured default is Sun HL7 adapter.


Specifies the implemented application level security features. 

This is the eighth field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-08). 

Under development by HL7. 

Processing ID

Specifies the sub-component Processing ID of MSH-11. MSH-11 is used to indicate whether a message is processed as defined in the HL7 Application (level 7) Processing rules. 

Requires one of the following: 

  • D - For Debugging

  • P - For Production

  • T - For Training

    In some cases there may be an additional sub-component "Processing Mode" following the initial value.

    The configured default is P.

Version ID

Specifies the particular HL7 version to be matched by the receiving system to its own version. 

This is the 12th field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-12). 

The HL7 Standard version value as displayed in HL7 Table 0104 - Version ID. 

The configured default value is 2.5.

Country Code

Specifies a code that indicates the country of origin for the message (see HL7 Table 0399). Used to specify default elements in a message, such as currency. 

This is the 17th field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-17). 

The Country Code value uses the 3-character (alphabetic) form of ISO 3166. 

The default value is USA.

Character Set

Specifies the character set(s) in use by the messages (see HL7 Table 0211). If the field is left blank, the character set in use is understood to be the 7-bit ASCII set. 

This is the 18th field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-18). 

The configured default is 8859/1 (printable 7-bit ASCII character set).

Principal Language of Message

Specifies the principal language of the message. Codes come from ISO 639. 

This is the 19th field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-19). 

The 2-character ISO 639 alphabetic code. 

Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme

Specifies the value for the alternate character set handling scheme to be used when any alternative character sets are used and a special handling scheme is necessary (see HL7 Table 0356). 

This is the 20th field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-20). 

Available values include ISO 2022-1994, 2.3, or <null> (blank). Leaving the field blank indicates that no character set switching will occur.

Conformance Statement ID

The Conformance Statement ID (Message Profile Identifier in V2.5) is a unique identifier that applies to a query’s Conformance Statement, or as a Message Profile Identifier, asserts constancy with a message profile (grammar, syntax, usage, and so forth). 

This is the 21st field in the HL7 MSH segment (MSH-21). 

An HL7 Conformance Statement ID value or leave blank. 

Validate MSH

Specifies whether to validate the MSH segment of the data message (for inbound) and the MSH segment of the ACK (for outbound). 

This parameter is used for inbound Collaboration code. 

Note –

This property does not affect structural validation of the whole HL7 message itself. Structural validation is always performed.

Select True or False.

True indicates that the Collaboration validates the MSH segment.

The configured default is True.

Where to Go Next

HL7 SFT Segment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter.

Related Topics

HL7 SFT Segment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

Provides the HL7 SFT Segment configuration settings. The SFT segment is available starting with HL7 version 2.5. This segment provides additional information about one or more software products used as sending applications. The primary purpose of this segment is for diagnostic use. There may be additional uses per site-specific agreements.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 74 Connectivity Map - HL7 SFT Segment



Required Value 


Specifies whether the SFT optional segment is enabled in the ACK. 

Note –

If enable is set to true, and the HL7 version is not configured as 2.5, the adapter will error upon startup.

Select True or False.

True indicates that the SFT segment is enabled in the ACK.

Note –

This property applies to HL7 version 2.5 or HL7 version 2.5.1.

Software Vendor Organization

Specifies HL7 segment SFT-01, the name of the company that publishes and/or distributes the sending software that created the transaction. The purpose of this field, along with the remaining fields in this segment, is to provide a more complete profile of the sending applications. The Software Vendor Organization field identifies the vendor who is responsible for maintaining the application. 

The name of the sending software publisher or vendor. 

The configured default is Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Note –

This property applies to HL7 version 2.5 or HL7 version 2.5.1.

Software Certified Version or Release Number

Specifies HL7 segment SFT-02, the Software Certified Version or Release Number. The latest software version number or release number for the sending system, helps to provide a more complete profile of the application that is sending or receiving HL7 messages. 

Version numbers are important in identifying the specific release of an application. In some situations, the receiving application validates the software certified version or release number against a list of “certified” versions or releases of the particular software. This helps determine whether the sending application adheres to specific Business Rules required by the receiving application. Alternatively, the software may perform different processing, depending on the version of the sending software. 

The software certified version or release number. 

The configured default is 6.0.0.

Note –

This property applies to HL7 version 2.5 or HL7 version 2.5.1.

Software Product Name

Specifies HL7 segment SFT-03, the name of the software product that submitted the transaction. The software product name is a key component for identifying the sending application. 

The sending software product name. 

The default value is Sun TCP/IP HL7 adapter Intelligent Adapter.

Note –

This property applies to HL7 version 2.5 or HL7 version 2.5.1.

Software Binary ID

Specifies HL7 segment SFT-04, the Software Binary ID. This property is available starting with HL7 version 2.5. Software Binary IDs are issued by a vendor for each unique software version instance. These IDs are used to differentiate between differing versions of the same software. Identical Primary IDs indicate that the software is identical at the binary level, but configuration settings may differ.

The unique Software Binary ID. 

The configured default is 6.0.0.

Note –

This property applies to HL7 version 2.5 or HL7 version 2.5.1..

Software Product Information

Specifies HL7 segment SFT-05, software product identification information. This may include a description of the software application, configuration settings, modifications made to the software, and so forth.

This field can contain any additional information about the sending application, with the transaction it has submitted. The information is used for diagnostic purposes and may provide greater flexibility for identifying the application software. 

Information that may help to identify the specific sending software. This field should only be used when performing diagnostics. 

The default value is “It is a JCA adapter for HL7 over TCP/IP connection.”

Note –

This property applies to HL7 version 2.5 or HL7 version 2.5.1.

Software Install Date

Specifies HL7 segment SFT-06, the Software Install Date. This is the date on which the submitting software was installed at the sending site. the software install date on its own can often provide key information about the behavior of the application. This is necessary for providing a more complete profile of the sending application.

The date of installation for the sending application software. 

Note –

This property applies to HL7 version 2.5 or HL7 version 2.5.1.

Where to Go Next

Communication Control — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter.

Related Topics

Communication Control — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

The Communication Control section controls data transferring (sending/receiving) over the TCP/IP connection.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 75 Connectivity Map - Communication Control



Required Value 

Time To Wait For A Response

Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the adapter waits for a response from the external system before taking recourse action (see Action on No Response in the Table 76). Any data from the external system is considered a response.

This property corresponds to the initial read/receive operation timeout. Once a response is received, the following read/receive operation uses the SoTimeout specified timeout (see So Timeout in Table 64). Value 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout.

An integer indicating the length of time in milliseconds that the adapter waits for a response to arrive from the external system. A value of 0 (zero) is interpreted as an infinite timeout.

The configured default is 30000 (30 seconds).

Max Empty Read Retry

Specifies the maximum number of times the adapter attempts to read data from the external system after the read/receive operation returns nothing. This applies to the read or receive operation after a response starts to arrive. Empty Read means that a timeout occurs on the read/receive operation, which takes the SoTimeout parameter in the TCPIP Server Base Settings section as the applied timeout setting (see So Timeout in Table 64). The corresponding recourse action is specified by the Action on Max Failed Read Retry in the Table 76.

A number indicating the maximum number or retries. 

The configured default is 5.

Max No Response

Specifies the maximum number of response timeouts the adapter allows, while waiting for data from the external system, before taking recourse action (see Action on Max No Response in the Table 76).

This parameter is used for the inbound Collaboration code. This parameter is only used by outbound adapters and works in conjunction with the Resend option of the Recourse Action parameter Action on No Response (see Action on No Response in the Table 76 table). It configures the adapter to resend the last message for the specified maximum number of times before the subsequent recourse action is taken.

An integer indicating the appropriate number of timeouts that may occur before taking recourse action. 

The configured default is 30.

Max NAK Receive Retry

Specifies the maximum number of negative acknowledgments the adapter receives before taking recourse action (see Action on Max Nak Received in the Table 76).

This parameter is used for the inbound Collaboration code. 

A number indicating the appropriate maximum number of NAKs received before taking recourse action. 

The default value is 30.

Max NAK Send Retry

Specifies the maximum number of negative acknowledgments the adapter sends before taking recourse action (see Action on Max Nak Sent in the Table 76).

This parameter is used for the inbound Collaboration code. 

An integer indicating the appropriate maximum number of NAKs sent by the adapter before recourse action is taken. 

The default value is 30.

Max Canned NAK Send Retry

Specifies the maximum number of canned negative acknowledgments that the adapter sends before taking recourse action (see Action on Max Nak Sent in the Table 76).

The appropriate maximum number of canned NAK to send before taking recourse action. 0 indicates that the adapter will not attempt to create or send a canned NAK.

The configured default is 3.

Enable Journaling

Specifies whether message journaling is enabled. 

This parameter is used for inbound Collaboration code. 

Select True or False.

True indicates that journaling is enabled.

The configured default is True.

Where to Go Next

HL7 Recourse Action — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter.

Related Topics

HL7 Recourse Action — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter

The HL7 Recourse Action section determines the actions the adapter takes when operations occur outside the configured constraints.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V2 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the table.

Table 76 Connectivity Map - HL7 Recourse Action



Required Value 

Action on No Response

Specifies the action taken by the adapter when no ACK is received from the external system in the allotted time. The amount of time is determined by the Time To Wait For A Response parameter (see Time To Wait For A Response in the Table 75). The options are:

  • Exit: The adapter terminates its connection with the external system and shuts down.

  • Resend: The adapter attempts to resend the message to the external system. The Resend option is only allowed when sequence numbering is in effect.

  • Reset: The adapter closes its connection with the external system and goes through the connection scenario.

    This parameter is used for inbound Collaboration code.

Select Exit, Resend, or Reset.

The configured default is Reset.

Action on Max No Response

Specifies the action the adapter takes when it attempts to send a message to the external system the maximum allowed number of times, and does not receive any response (HL7 Application Acknowledgement) from the external system. The maximum number times the adapter sends a message without receiving a response is determined by the Max No Response parameter (see Max No Response in the Table 75). The options are:

  • Exit: The adapter terminates its connection with the external system and shuts down.

  • Reset: The adapter closes its connection with the external system and goes through the connection scenario.

    This parameter is used for inbound Collaboration code.

Select Exit or Reset.

The default value is Reset.

Action on Max Failed Read Retry

Specifies the action the adapter takes after it has reached the empty read limit set by the Max Empty Read Retry parameter. This parameter is used by inbound adapters only. The recourse options are:

  • Exit: The adapter terminates its connection with the external system and shuts down.

  • Reset: The adapter closes its connection with the external system and goes through the connection scenario.

    This parameter is used for inbound Collaboration code.

Select Exit or Reset.

The configured default is Reset.

Action on Nak Received

Specifies the action taken by the adapter when it receives an HL7 Application NAK from the external system. The options are: 

  • Resend: The adapter attempts to resend the message to the external system.

  • Reset: The adapter closes its connection with the external system and goes through the connection scenario.

  • Skip Message: The adapter remains connected, but writes the message to an error queue.

    Note –

    Do not set both the “Action On NAK Received” and “Action On Max NAK Received” parameters to “Skip Message.”

    This parameter is used for inbound Collaboration code.

Select Resend, Reset, or Skip Message.

The configured default is Resend.

Action on Max Nak Received

Specifies the action the adapter takes when the maximum number of HL7 Application NAKs have been received from the external system, as set by the Max NAK Receive Retry parameter (see Max NAK Receive Retry in the Table 75). The options are:

  • Exit: The adapter terminates its connection with the external system and shuts down.

  • Reset: The adapter closes its connection with the external system and goes through the connection scenario.

  • Skip Message: The adapter remains connected, but writes the message to an error queue.

    This parameter is used for inbound Collaboration code.

    Note –

    Do not set both “Action On NAK Received” and “Action On Max NAK Received” parameters to “Skip Message.”

Select Exit, Reset, or Skip Message.

The configured default is Skip Message.

Action on Max Nak Sent

Specifies the action taken by the adapter when it has sent the maximum allowed number of NAKs to the external system, as set by the Max NAK Send Retry parameter (see Max NAK Send Retry in the Table 75). The options are:

  • Exit: The adapter terminates its connection with the external system and shuts down.

  • Reset: The adapter closes its connection with the external system and goes through the connection scenario.

    This parameter is used for inbound Collaboration code.

Select Exit or Reset.

The default value is Exit.