Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

TCPIP Outbound Settings — TCP/IP Adapter Outbound

The TCPIP Outbound Settings properties presents the java Socket options. For more information, see the JDK Javadoc.. The TCP/IP Outbound Settings properties contain the top-level parameters as displayed in the table.

Note –

For complete information on options referred to by these base settings, for example, SO_KEEPALIVE, see the appropriate Sun Microsystems Java documentation.

Table 120 Connectivity Map - TCPIP Outbound Settings



Required Value 

Connection Type

Specifies how the adapter establishes the TCP/IP connection: 

  • Client: The adapter connects to an external server (host/port) to establish the connection. The adapter is in active mode.

  • Server: The adapter waits/listens on a particular port for an incoming connection request from an external client. Once the request is received, the adapter accepts the request and establishes the connection. The adapter is in passive mode.

Select Client or Server. Server is the default setting.

Unless you specifically require Server mode, leave this value as the default: Client.

ServerSO Timeout

Sets or gets the value of the SoTimeout for the ServerSocket, in milliseconds. Used for ServerSocket.accept(). When you set this option to a non-zero timeout, calling accept() for ServerSocket will block for only this period of time. If the timeout expires, a (or is thrown, though the ServerSocket remains valid.

Enable this option prior to entering the blocking operation. This parameter is used only when the Connection Type is set as Server.

An integer that indicates the SoTimeout value in milliseconds.

The default value is 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds).

The timeout must be greater than 0 (zero). A timeout value of 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout.

Keep Alive

Specifies whether the client’s SO_KEEPALIVE option is enabled or disabled.

Select True or False.

True indicates that the server SO_KEEPALIVE option is enabled.

The configured default is True.

Receive Buffer Size

Allows you to set or get the value of the client SO_RCVBUF option for the current socket, that is, the buffer size used by the operating system for input on this socket. It sets a hint as to the size of the underlying buffers used by the platform for incoming network I/O.

When used in set, this is a suggestion to the kernel, from the application, regarding the buffer sizes to use for the data that will be received over the socket.

When used in get, this must return the size of the buffer actually used by the platform when receiving in data on this socket.

An integer indicating the receive buffer size. 

The configured default is 8192.

Send Buffer Size

Allows you to set or get the value of the client's SO_SNDBUF option for the current socket, that is, the buffer size used by the operating system for output on this socket.

A number indicating the send buffer size. 

The configured default is 8192.


Specifies whether the client's SO_LINGER option is enabled or disabled.

Select True or False.

True enables the SO_LINGER option.

SoLinger Timeout

Specifies the client’s linger time-out in seconds. The maximum time-out value is platform specific. The setting only affects the socket close. 

The linger time-out in seconds. The configured default is 30 seconds, indicating that the SO_LINGER option is disabled.


Allows you to set or get the value of the client's SO_TIMEOUT value, in milliseconds.

The SO_TIMEOUT value in milliseconds.

The configured default value is 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds).


Specifies whether the client’s TCP_NODELAY option (that is, Nagle’s algorithm) is enabled or disabled.

Select True or False.

True enables the TCP_NODELAY option.

Socket Factory Implementa-tion Class Name

Enter the name of the Java class that implements the client socket factory. This class is used to create the client socket. If you have provided your own client socket implementation, enter the name of the Java class that contains this implementation. The factory implementation class must implement the following interface:

A valid Java class name; the default is:

Where to Go Next

TCPIP Outbound Settings - Connection Establishment — TCP/IP Adapter Outbound.

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