Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

TCPIP Inbound Schedules - Listener Schedule — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Inbound Adapter

This section configures the scheduler used by the inbound TCP/IP Server. The server waits for a new client connection establishment request. These parameters are used to configure the listener/monitor that listens on the specified port.

Two J2EE schedulers are available:

Both schedulers provide the functionality required by the inbound TCP/IP Server.

This section of the TCP/IP HL7 V3 inbound adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 93 Connectivity Map - TCPIP Inbound Schedules - Listener Schedule



Required Value 


Specifies the scheduler type for this inbound communication. There are two options: 

  • Timer Service: The task is scheduled through the J2EE Timer Service. Timer Service is supported by J2EE.

  • Work Manager: The task is scheduled through the J2EE Work Manager. Work Manager is supported by J2EE (JCA 1.5 and above).

Select Timer Service or Work Manager.

If your container doesn’t support JCA Work Manager, select Timer Service.

Schedule Type

This property configuration, though visible from the Properties Editor, is disabled. The only available schedule type is Repeated, indicating that the task is scheduled for repeated execution at regular intervals defined by the Period property in this section (see the Period property).

This field is not enabled. 


Applies to both the Timer Service or the Work Manager. Specifies, in milliseconds, the length of delay time before the task is executed.

An integer indicating the length of time before the task is executed, in milliseconds. 


Applies to both the Timer Service or the Work Manager. Specifies the regular interval, in milliseconds, between successive task executions.

An integer indicating the length of time between successive task executions, in milliseconds. 

At Fixed Rate

Specific to the Timer Service configuration only. Specifies whether a Fixed-Rate execution or Fixed-Delay execution is used.

  • Fixed-Rate: A fixed-rate execution means that each execution is scheduled relative to the scheduled time of the initial execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason (such as garbage collection or other background activity), two or more executions will occur in rapid succession to “catch up.” In the long run, the frequency of execution will be exactly the reciprocal of the specified period, assuming the system clock underlying Object.wait(long) is accurate.

  • Fixed-Delay: A fixed-delay execution means that each execution is scheduled relative to the actual time of the previous execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason (such as garbage collection or other background activity), subsequent executions will be delayed as well. As a result, the frequency of execution will generally be slightly lower than the reciprocal of the specified period, assuming the system clock underlying Object.wait(long) is accurate.

Select True or False.

True indicates that a fixed-rate execution is used. False indicates that a fixed-delay execution is used.

Where to Go Next

TCPIP Inbound Schedules - Service Schedule — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Inbound Adapter.

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