The following task outlines the steps need to configure runtime components in an EJB/JCA application Specific examples are provided for File and Oracle JCA adapters.
To create an Outbound Connector Connection Pool for the File Adapter, navigate to the Application Server Admin Console at htt://localhost:4848.
Select the Resources > Connectors > Connector Connection Pools tree node, and click New.
Enter a name for the pool name, and select GRfileadapter as the Resource Adapter type.
Click Next, and then Finish.
Create an Outbound Connector Resource from the Resource Pool above. In the Admin Console, select Resources > Connectors > Connector Resources, and click New.
Fill in the JNDI Name for the Resource, and select the name of the Resource Pool created previously, and click OK.
To configure the File outbound pool, navigate to the web-based configuration editor at htt://localhost:4848/Configurator.
Select filepool from tree.
Modify the Output file name, Add EOL, Multiple records per file, Encoding, and Directory as required for your project.
To create an Outbound Connector Connection Pool for the File Adapter, navigate to the Application Server Admin Console at htt://localhost:4848.
Select the Resources > Connectors > Connector Connection Pools tree node, and click New.
Enter a name for the pool name, and select GRoracleadapter as the Resource Adapter type.
Click Next, and then Finish.
Create an Outbound Connector Resource from the Resource Pool above. In the Admin Console, select Resources > Connectors > Connector Resources, and click New.
Fill in the JNDI Name for the Resource, and select the name of the Resource Pool created previously, and click OK.
To configure the Oracle outbound pool, navigate to the web-based configuration editor at htt://localhost:4848/Configurator.
Select oraclepool from tree.
Modify the following fields as required for your project: