About Database Adapters

About Sun Adapter for SQL Server

This topic provides information about Sun Adapter for SQL Server.

About SQL Server

SQL Server is Microsoft’s® client-server Relational Data Base Management System (RDBMS), used for increased scalability, availability, and security of enterprise data and analytical applications while making them easier to create, deploy, and manage.

About the SQL Server Adapter

The SQL Server Adapter enables Sun Java CAPS ESB Projects to exchange data with external SQL Server databases. This user’s guide describes how to install and configure the SQL Server Adapter.

The SQL Server Adapter uses JCDs (Java Collaboration Definitions) and BPEL (Business Process Execution Language to perform the following:

The SQL Server Adapter also uses the same GUI structure as the rest of the Sun Java CAPS ESB system to describe data flow through the entire enterprise. This feature enables business analysts to define the relationships between a database and relevant applications by dragging and dropping elements between graphical tree structures.