Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7 Tutorial

ProcedureTo Create an Environment

  1. On the NetBeans Services window, right-click CAPS Environments, point to New, and then select Environment.

    A new environment is created and is added to the CAPS Environment tree.

  2. Rename the new environment to envHL7V3Outbound.

  3. Right-click envHL7V3Outbound, point to New, and then select Logical Host from the drop-down menu.

    It takes few seconds to process the Logical Host into the Environment.

    1. Right-click LogicalHost1, point to New, and then select Sun Java System Application Server.

      A new application server (SunJavaSystemApplicationServer1) is added to the Environment Explorer tree under LogicalHost1.

    2. Right-click LogicalHost1, point to New, and then select Sun JMS IQ Manager.

      A new JMS IQ Manager (SunJmsIQMgr1) is added to the Environment tree under LogicalHost1.

  4. Right-click envHL7V3Outbound, point to New, and then select File External System.

    1. For the name of the External System, enter esFile.

    2. Click OK.

    The External System is added to the Environment tree.

  5. Right-click envHL7V3Outbound, point to New, and then select HL7V3 External System.

    1. For the Name of the External System, enter esHL7V3.

    2. Click OK.

    The new External System is added to the Environment tree.

  6. On the NetBeans toolbar, click Save All.