Sun Adapter for TCP/IP HL7 Tutorial

Executing a Sample Project

To run data through the sample project, you need to use an HL7 simulator or HL7 application.

ProcedureTo Execute the Sample Project

  1. Create a sample file named PRPA_IN403001UV01.xml.

  2. Enter the following text into the file (you can copy and paste this excerpt).

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <PRPA_IN403001UV01 xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" 
       xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7-org:v3 PRPA_IN403001UV01.xsd">
      <id root="" extension="5929" assigningAuthorityName="Litware Inc."/>
      <creationTime value="20050303180027"/>
      <versionCode code="V3PR1"/>
      <interactionId root="" extension="PRPA_IN403001UV01" 
      <!--profileId root=""/-->
      <processingCode code="D"/>
      <processingModeCode code="T"/>
      <acceptAckCode code="AL"/>
      <receiver typeCode="RCV">
        <device classCode="DEV" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
          <id root=""/>
      <sender typeCode="SND">
        <device classCode="DEV" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
          <id root=""/>
      <controlActProcess classCode="CACT" moodCode="EVN">
        <subject typeCode="SUBJ" contextConductionInd="false">
          <encounterEvent classCode="ENC" moodCode="EVN">
            <id root="" extension="122345" 
              assigningAuthorityName="Maple Hospital Emergency"/>
            <code code="EMER" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.4"/>
            <statusCode code="active"/>
            <subject contextControlCode="OP">
              <patient classCode="PAT">
                <id root="" extension="55321" 
                  assigningAuthorityName="Maple Hospital Patients"/>
                <patientPerson classCode="PSN" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
                  <administrativeGenderCode code="M" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1"/>
                  <birthTime value="19800309"/>

    The above text has been wrapped to fit the page. The following image shows the text in an XML editor.

    Properties of XMLCode
  3. Copy the XML file to a location where the simulator or HL7 application will pick it up.

  4. Open the server log file and check the results at the following location:


    This action displays the following message.

    Schematron Validation Failed