Australia Patient Solution Using MDM

Creating a Database for the Australia Patient Solution

This topic provides an example on how to create a user called aus. To create a different user, edit the createuser–aus.sql file. For links to instructions on the various tasks when setting up your healthcare solution, see Australia Patient Solution Uses.

To see the Australia Patient Solution template, go to

ProcedureTo Create a Database for the Australia Patient Solution

Before You Begin

The Oracle scripts that come with the solution create a user identified as aus. They are located in the Solutions\NB\MI\project\AUSPatient\sca\source\DatabaseScript directory.

  1. As a SYSDBA user run the createuser-aus.sql script.

  2. As the aus user, with a password of aus, run the following scripts.

    Tip –

    Run the create.sql script first.

    • create.sql

    • codelist.sql

    • systems.sql

    • createIndexes.sql

    • createUserCodeData.sql

See Also