Australia Patient Solution Using MDM

Australia Patient Solution Template

This topic provides the link to the Australia Patient Solution template. The purpose is introduce you to the template, but not instruct you on how to use the template. For links to instructions on the various tasks when setting up your healthcare solution, see Australia Patient Solution Uses.

To see the Australia Patient Solution template, go to

As the medicare card number, MedicareNo, is the major Australian identifier of healthcare patients, it is included as one of the keys for block-search definitions and matches on the main AUSPatient node in the template. The five matching keys for searches are:

The MedicareNo is comprised of four sections: eight digits (family identifier) + check digit + card issue number + optional card line number. However, only the first nine digits are important.

In the template, only the AUSPatient node contains mandatory variables. All the sub-nodes, for example Address and Contact, are optional.

Every effort has been made to make the template specific to the Australian healthcare industry.

Note –

As the Australian tax file number (TFN) is not used in the healthcare industry, it is not included with the solution template.

See Also