Upgrading to Sun Master Index

Step 3: Update the Object Definition

To ensure that the object definition does not change between versions, you need to copy the text of the Object Definition file in the Repository-based project to the object.xml file in the service-enabled project and then make certain updates to the text.

ProcedureTo Update object.xml

  1. In the service-enabled project, delete the text of object.xml.

  2. Copy and paste the text of the Object Definition file from the Repository–based master index application into object.xml in the service-enabled application.

  3. Change the name of the eview element to Configuration (be sure to capitalize the 'C'). Change both the opening tag near the beginning of the file and the closing tag near the end of the file.

  4. In the newly named Configuration element, change "sbyn:SeeBeyond/eView/schema/eIndex.xsd" to "schema/object.xsd".

  5. Save and close the file.