Upgrading to Sun Master Index

Step 4: Update midm.xml

The upgrade from the Enterprise Data Manager file in the Repository-based project to midm.xml in the service-enabled project is partially automated. A few updates to the text need to be performed manually, but the bulk of the update is done through the Configuration Editor.

ProcedureTo Update midm.xml

  1. In the service-enabled project, delete the text of midm.xml.

  2. Copy and paste the text of the Enterprise Data Manager file from the Repository–based master index application to midm.xml in the service-enabled application.

  3. In the edm element near the top of the file, change the name of the element from “edm” to “midm”, and change “sbyn:SeeBeyond/eView/schema/EDM.xsd" to "schema/midm.xsd". Be sure to change both the opening and closing edm tags.

    These are the lines you need to change:

    <edm xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

    When you are done, the lines should look like this:

    <midm xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  4. Change all instances of "com.stc.eindex" to "com.sun.mdm.index".

  5. Save and close the file.

  6. In the service-enabled project, right-click the Configuration node and then select Edit.

    The Configuration Editor appears.

  7. Enable the Save button by making a small change to the master index configuration and then changing it back.

    Note –

    This change is just to enable the Save command so you can save midm.xml in the new format. For example, you can change the data type for one of the fields and then change it back to its original value.

  8. Click Save on the Configuration Editor toolbar, and then close the Configuration Editor.

  9. Open midm.xml again, and perform the following steps:

    1. Check whether any date fields have a max-length element with a value of –1. If you find fields with this value, change it to the correct value.

      Tip –

      An easy way to check for these values is to right-click in the text of the file and then click Validate XML. If you get errors similar to The value '–1' of element 'max-length' is not valid., click on the error and the cursor will move to the errant text in the file.

    2. Reformat the Reports page. Near the end of the file, delete the reports element and all of its contents, and then replace it with the following text.

                 <tab-name>Potential Duplicate Report</tab-name>
                 <report-name>Potential Duplicate</report-name>
                 <tab-name>Deactivated Record Report</tab-name>
                 <tab-name>Merged Transaction Report</tab-name>
                 <tab-name>Unmerged Transaction Report</tab-name>
                 <tab-name>Updated Record Report</tab-name>
                 <tab-name>Activity Report</tab-name>
                 <report-name>Transaction Summary</report-name>
                         <screen-title>Weekly Activity</screen-title>
                         <report-name>Weekly Transaction Summary Report</report-name>
                         <screen-title>Monthly Activity</screen-title>
                         <report-name>Monthly Transaction Summary Report</report-name>
                         <screen-title>Yearly Activity</screen-title>
                         <report-name>Yearly Transaction Summary Report</report-name>
                 <tab-name>Assumed Matches Report</tab-name>
                 <report-name>Assumed Match</report-name>
    3. If necessary, customize the code above by replacing the values of the field-ref elements, replacing the value of the root-object elements, and configuring the items per page and maximum result size for each report.

    4. Verify that the screen ID and display order in the above text is not the same as the screen ID or display order for any other of the primary MIDM pages.

    5. Verify that there are no empty root-object elements. In each empty root-object element you find, insert the name of the parent object. For example:

    6. Validate midm.xml by right-clicking in the text and selecting Validate XML.