SWIFT Integration Projects

Designing an SCR flow

  1. Start the Enterprise Designer.

  2. Open the imported SCR project.

  3. Choose both a short name and a long name for the flow (example: t2 :: Target2).

  4. Choose a string name for each event / message / direction (as shown in the SCR flow example above: TO_SWIFT_INIT).

  5. Add the flow name as a new choice in the viewer by navigating to the Viewer on the SCR page, then to the 1TrxList, and then to the pgTrxList.

    1. On the Properties tab, select SelDomain.

    2. Right-click the highlighted area on the design canvas, and select Edit Options. The Edit Options window opens.

    3. Add new flow elements to the properties of the control SelDomain. This project already ahs defualted values entered (t2 :: Target2).