LDAP Binding Component Tutorial

ProcedureTo Test the Composite Application

  1. Expand the Composite Application project. Click Test.

    For example, AddCompApp

  2. Right-click to select New Test Case.

  3. Enter the Test Case Name.

    For example, AddTest

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select the WSDL Document.

    1. Select one WSDL Document from the BPEL Module.

      In the current example, the WSDL Document is TriggerWSDL.wsdl and the BPEL Module is LDAPBpelModule — Process Files.

      Note –

      Select one WSDL Document.

      Select WSDL Document
    2. Click Next.

    3. Select one Operation to text file from the Process Files.

      In the current example, the Operation to Text file is TriggerWSDLOperation and the Process File is TriggerWSDLPort (Binding=”TriggerWSDLBinding”).

      Note –

      Select one Operation to Text file.

      Select Trigger WSDL
  6. Click Finish.

    This displays the Source code.

    Test Case Source Code
  7. Enter the string value.

    string = Jane

    Enter Value

    The Output console displays Retrieve.xml when you enter a string value in the input.xml window.

  8. Right-click the Test Case and click Run.

    For example, AddTest

    A confirmation dialog box prompts to overwrite an existing Output.

  9. Click Yes.

    The Output is as shown in the illustration.

    Final Composite Output

    For a demo on the Add feature, visit the following URL:
