Designing Intelligent Event Processor (IEP) Projects

Adding and Configuring IEP Operators

Once you add an event processor to an IEP Module project, you define the event processing logic by adding and configuring IEP operators.

An event processor must have at least one input operator.

An event processor must have at least one output operator.

You can add any number of operators between the input operator and the output operator.

The following screen capture shows a set of operators in an event processor. The operator at the left is an input operator. The operator at the right is an output operator.

Screen capture of IEP operators combined with
each other in the Design view.

For general information about the IEP operators, see Introduction to IEP Operators.

For specific information about each IEP operator, see the following topics:

ProcedureTo Add IEP Operators to an Event Processor

  1. If the Palette is not visible in the NetBeans IDE, then choose Window -> Palette from the IDE's main menu.

  2. Drag the appropriate IEP operators from the Palette to the Design view.

ProcedureTo Configure IEP Operators in an Event Processor

  1. For each IEP operator that you added, do the following:

    1. Double-click the operator. Alternately, you can click the operator, go to the Properties window, and click the ellipsis.

      The property editor opens.

    2. Edit the appropriate properties. For some operators, you can add or modify attributes.

    3. (Optional) Click the Documentation tab and supply notes on this component.

    4. Click OK.

  2. Connect the operators to each other as appropriate.

    You send the output of one operator to the input of another operator by selecting the output port of the first operator and dragging it to the input port of the second operator.