Using the Java CAPS 6 Installation CLI

Links to Additional Installation Information

There are several additional tasks you can perform once you complete the initial installation of Java CAPS. The following sections provide links to information and instructions for these tasks:

Installing Additional Components

After you install Java CAPS, you can install additional Repository-based components using the Java CAPS Uploader and the NetBeans Update Center, and you can download sample files and component tools from the Java CAPS Uploader. You can also use Enterprise Manager to install the required monitoring plugins for each component.

See the following topics for more information and instructions on these procedures:

Starting and Stopping Java CAPS

Java CAPS provides shortcuts to the executable files that start the various components. To start and stop Java CAPS after the initial installation, navigate to the Java CAPS install directory or to the directory where the component is installed that you want to start or stop. Run the appropriate command. The commands are listed at Starting and Stopping Java CAPS in Using the Java CAPS 6 Installation GUI.

Working With the Repository

Once you have installed all components and have a running Repository, you need to connect to the Repository from NetBeans in order to work with Repository components and projects. For information and instructions, see Connecting to the Java CAPS Repository From the NetBeans IDE in Using the Java CAPS 6 Installation GUI.

After you connect to the Repository from NetBeans, you can import projects that were created in previous versions. For information and instructions, see Importing Non-JBI Based Java CAPS Sample Projects in Using the Java CAPS 6 Installation GUI.