Sun Adapter for Batch Tutorial

About the Sun Business Process Manager Sample Project

You can deploy an Sun Enterprise Service Bus component as an Activity in a Sun Business Process Manager Business Process. Once you associate the desired component with an Activity, Sun Business Process Manager invokes it using a Web Services interface. Sun Enterprise Service Bus components that can interface with Sun Business Process Manager include the following:

Using the NetBeans IDE and Sun Business Process Manager, you can add an Activity to a Business Process, then associate that Activity with Sun Enterprise Service Bus component, for example, an Adapter. Then, when Sun Business Process Manager runs the Business Process, it automatically invokes that component via its Web Services interface.

The prjBatch_Inbound_LocalFileIn_FTPOut Project demonstrates how Sun Business Process Manager Business Processes are used with the Sun Adapter for Batch.

The prjBatch_Inbound_LocalFileIn_FTPOut Project demonstrates the following:

Sample data files for the Sun Adapter for Batch Projects are included with the samples.