Configuring Java CAPS JBI Components for GlassFish Clustering

ProcedureTo Add the IEP Service Engine to the Cluster

  1. Add the IEP SE (sun-bpel-engine) to the cluster as described in To Add a Java CAPS JBI Component to a Cluster.

  2. Before you click OK on the Manage Targets page, do the following:

    1. Under General – Configure Component, specify a value for the Lease Renewal Interval.

      Note –

      The Lease Renewal Interval is the time period in seconds that BPEL engines wait before renewing their lease to let the cluster know it is still running (also known as the heartbeat). If an engine does not update within the specified time period, it is considered to be unavailable.

    2. In the Non XA Data Source Name property, enter the JNDI name of the non-XA JDBC resource that you created earlier.

    3. In the XA Data Source Name property, enter the JNDI name of the XA JDBC resource that you created earlier.

      This is the database that persists state data for business process instances for recovery.

    4. Update the value of the Database Schema Name property if you created the database using a username other than iepseDB.

    5. Configure the remaining runtime properties as you typically would for the IEP SE.

      For more information, see Designing Intelligent Event Processor (IEP) Projects.

  3. Verify that the EMS_ENGINES table in the persistence database contains a row for each instance in the cluster.

    Tip –

    If the rows do not appear, check the following:

    • Both JDBC Resources are enabled on the target cluster.

    • The engine is enabled on the target cluster.

    If both of the above are enabled, you might need to stop and restart the IEP SE in order for the rows to appear.