Using the Sun HL7 JCA Adapter

ProcedureTo Deploy the Global RAR for the HL7 JCA Adapter from the Admin Console

  1. Start the GlassFish application server.

  2. Access Admin Console by pointing your browser at http://localhost:4848

    If your application server is running on a remote machine, and/or uses a port other than 4848 for administration, make the appropriate changes to the URL.

  3. Log in to Admin Console.

  4. In the Common Tasks pane on the left side, expand Applications -> Connector Modules.

    If “sun-hl7-adapter” appears in the list, the RAR has already been installed.

  5. In the “Deploy Enterprise Applications/Modules” pane, do the following and then click OK.

  6. In the “Edit Resource Adapter Properties” pane, you can optionally supply or edit properties. Then click Finish.

    Result: Once you have deployed the global RAR onto the application server, you will be able to see it in the NetBeans IDE under Servers -> GlassFish V2 -> Applications -> Connector Module: