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Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8 Developer's Guide 

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z




naming  1

security  1

acc  1

ACC clients

assembling  1

deploying  1

module definition  1

preparing the client machine  1

security  1

acc package

asenv configuration settings  1

editing sun-acc.xml  1

modifying appclient script  1

using package-appclient script  1

action attribute  1

activation-config element  1

activation-config-property element  1

activation-config-property-name element  1

activation-config-property-value element  1

address attribute  1

Admin Password setting  1

Admin Username setting  1

administering message-driven beans  1

administering transactions  1

Administration Console

about  1

changing servlet output  1

configuring a default web module  1

configuring the web container  1

setting the default locale  1

using for autodeployment  1

using for deployment  1

using for dynamic reloading  1

using for HPROF configuration  1

using for lifecycle module deployment  1

using for Optimizeit configuration  1

using for SSL configuration  1

using to add file realm users  1

using to add to the server classpath  1, 2

using to change logging settings  1

using to configure Orbix  1

using to configure realms  1

using to configure the JMS Service  1

using to configure the transaction service  1

using to create a connection pool  1

using to create a custom resource  1

using to create a JavaMail session  1

using to create a JDBC resource  1

using to create an external JNDI resource  1

using to create JMS resources  1

using to create physical destinations  1

using to disable modules and applications  1

using to enable debugging  1

using to set up audit module  1

using to set up JACC  1

agent attribute  1

allow-concurrent-access element  1

ANT_HOME environment variable  1

Apache Ant

and deployment descriptor verification  1, 2

overview  1

Sun Java System Application Server specific tasks  1

using for deployment  1

using for JSP precompilation  1

using for server administration  1

API reference

JavaBeans  1

JSP  1

servlets  1

appclient script  1

appclient.jar file  1

contents  1

append-version property  1

application client

appclient script  1

invoking a JMS resource  1, 2

invoking an EJB component  1, 2

making a remote call  1, 2

running  1

using SSL with CA  1

application client container  1

application client container package

client.policy file  1

application clients

authenticating using JAAS  1, 2

security  1, 2

application.xml file  1

application-client.xml file  1


assembling  1

definition  1

directories deployed to  1

directory structure  1

disabling  1, 2

examples  1

naming  1

runtime environment  1

security  1, 2

appserv-tags.jar file  1

appserv-tags.tld file  1

asadmin command  1, 2

asadmin create-audit-module command  1

asadmin create-auth-realm command  1

asadmin create-custom-resource command  1

asadmin create-file-user command  1

asadmin create-javamail-resource command  1

asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool command  1

asadmin create-jdbc-resource command  1

asadmin create-jmsdest command  1

asadmin create-jms-resource command  1

asadmin create-jndi-resource command  1

asadmin create-lifecycle-module command  1

asadmin delete-audit-module command  1

asadmin delete-auth-realm command  1

asadmin delete-custom-resource command  1

asadmin delete-file-user command  1

asadmin delete-javamail-resource command  1

asadmin delete-jdbc-connection-pool command  1

asadmin delete-jdbc-resource command  1

asadmin delete-jmsdest command  1

asadmin delete-jms-resource command  1

asadmin delete-jndi-resource command  1

asadmin delete-lifecycle-module command  1

asadmin deploy command  1, 2

--force option  1

--precompilejsp option  1

asadmin deploydir command  1

asadmin get command  1, 2

asadmin get-client-stubs command  1, 2, 3, 4

asadmin jms-ping command  1

asadmin list-audit-modules command  1

asadmin list-auth-realms command  1

asadmin list-custom-resources command  1

asadmin list-file-groups command  1

asadmin list-file-users command  1

asadmin list-javamail-resources command  1

asadmin list-jdbc-connection-pools command  1

asadmin list-jdbc-resources command  1

asadmin list-jmsdest command  1

asadmin list-jms-resources command  1

asadmin list-jndi-resources command  1

asadmin list-lifecycle-modules command  1

asadmin ping-connection-pool command  1

asadmin set command  1, 2

asadmin undeploy command  1

asadmin update-file-user command  1

asant script  1

as-context element  1

asenv.conf file  1


of ACC clients  1

of applications  1

of connectors  1

of EJB components  1

of lifecycle modules  1

of web applications  1

overview  1


definition  1

for web applications  1

single sign-on  1

authentication realm  1

auth-method element  1


definition  1

for EJB components  1

for web applications  1

roles  1

auth-realm element  1

auto reconnection feature  1

autodeployment  1


BaseCache cacheClassName value  1

bean-cache element  1

bean-pool element  1


message-driven  1

bin directory  1

BLOB support  1

Bootstrap Classloader  1

BoundedMultiLruCache cacheClassName value  1

build.xml file  1, 2


cache  1, 2

default configuration  1

example configuration  1

for JSPs  1

helper class  1, 2

cache element  1

cache management  1

cache tag  1

cacheClassName property  1, 2

cache-helper element  1

CacheHelper interface  1, 2, 3

cache-helper-ref element  1

cacheKeyGeneratorAttrName property  1, 2

cache-mapping element  1

cache-on-match attribute  1, 2

cache-on-match-failure attribute  1, 2

caching elements for the DTD  1

caller-propagation element  1

cert-db element  1

certificate realm  1

cert-nickname attribute  1

charset attribute  1

check-all-at-commit element  1

checkInterval property  1

check-modified-at-commit element  1

class elements for the DTD  1

classdebuginfo attribute  1

classloader delegation model  1

class-loader element  1, 2

classloaders  1

delegation hierarchy  1

isolation  1

isolation, circumventing  1

class-name attribute  1

classname attribute  1

classpath attribute  1

classpath property  1

classpath, server, changing  1

classpathref attribute  1

classpath-suffix attribute  1

client  1

client-container element  1

client-credential element  1

ClientID property  1


ACC clients  1

JAR file for  1, 2

client-side load balancing  1

CLOB support  1

CloudScape Type4 JDBC driver  1

cmp element  1

cmp-field-mapping element  1

cmp-resource  1

cmp-resource element  1

cmr-field-mapping element  1

cmr-field-name element  1

cmt-timeout-in-seconds element  1

column-name element  1

column-pair element  1

command attribute  1

commandfile attribute  1

command-line server configuration see asadmin command

commit options  1

commit-option element  1

Common Classloader  1

using to circumvent isolation  1

common.xml file  1

compiler property  1

compiler, FastJavac  1

compiling JSPs  1

component subelement  1

confidentiality element  1

configure to use orbix  1


for 1.1 finders (CMP)  1

resource manager (CMP)  1

configuring built-in ORB  1

connection factories, JNDI subcontexts for  1

connection factory  1, 2

connection pool

creating  1

properties  1

Connection Validation Required setting  1

connectionPool.ValidationMethod setting  1

connections, JDBC

sharing  1

Connector Classloader  1, 2


and transactions  1

assembling  1

deploying  1

JNDI subcontext for  1

module definition  1

consistency element  1

constraint-field element  1


session beans  1

container-managed persistence  1

assembly and deployment  1

configuring 1.1 finders  1

data type for mapping  1

deployment  1

mapping  1

resource manager  1

support  1

container-managed transactions

for message-driven beans  1

context, for JNDI naming  1

contextroot attribute  1, 2

context-root element  1, 2

cookieComment property  1

cookieDomain property  1

cookieMaxAgeSeconds property  1

cookiePath property  1

cookie-properties element  1

create-tables-at-deploy element  1

crossContextAllowed property  1

custom resource  1

Custom Resource Enabled setting  1


data types for mapping  1

database schema, capturing  1

Database Vendor setting  1

databaseName property  1


as transaction resource managers  1

supported  1, 2, 3, 4

database-vendor-name element  1

Datasource Classname setting  1

datasourceName property  1

.dbschema file  1

Debug Enabled setting  1

debug-enabled attribute  1


enabling  1

generating a stack trace  1

Sun Java System Message Queue  1

using Sun ONE Studio  1

debug-options attribute  1

Default Return Address setting  1

Default User setting  1

default virtual server  1

default web module  1, 2

default-charset attribute  1

default-helper element  1

default-locale attribute  1

default-realm attribute  1

default-resource-principal element  1, 2

delegate attribute  1

delegation, classloader  1


JSR 88  1, 2


container-managed persistence  1

directory deployment  1

disabling deployed applications and modules  1, 2

dynamic  1

errors during  1

module vs. application based  1

of ACC clients  1

of connectors  1

of EJB components  1

of lifecycle modules  1

of web applications  1

overview  1

read-only beans  1

redeployment  1

standard J2EE descriptors  1

Sun Java System Application Server descriptors  1, 2

tools for  1

undeploying an application or module  1, 2, 3

using Apache Ant  1

using the Administration Console  1

verifying descriptor correctness  1

deployment descriptor files  1

deployment descriptors

application client container  1

description element  1, 2, 3

Description property  1

description property  1

Description setting  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

destdir attribute  1

Destination Name setting  1


destination resources  1

physical  1

destroy method  1

destroying servlets  1

development environment, creating  1

tools for developers  1

development property  1

directory deployment  1

directory property  1

disable-distributed-transaction-logging property  1

doGet method  1

domain attribute  1

domain.xml file  1, 2

and JNDI names  1

application configuration  1

changing servlet output  1

configuring a default web module  1

configuring single sign-on  1

configuring the web container  1

default realm  1

disabling modules and applications  1

dynamic reloading  1, 2

enabling debugging  1

HPROF profiler  1

JACC provider  1, 2

keeping stubs  1

lifecycle module configuration  1

logging  1

module configuration  1

Optimizeit profiler  1

setting the default locale  1

stack trace generation  1

System Classloader  1, 2

doPost method  1

drop-tables-at-undeploy element  1

DTD file

caching elements  1

class elements  1

general elements  1

messaging elements  1

persistence elements  1

pooling elements  1

reference elements  1

role mapping elements  1

security elements  1

DTD files

location of  1

structure of  1

dumpSmap property  1


deployment  1

reloading  1


EAR file, creating  1

EJB 2.0 summary of changes  1

EJB Classloader  1

EJB components

assembling  1

calling from a different application  1

deploying  1

generated source code  1

module definition  1

security  1, 2

transaction isolation level in  1

ejb element  1


ejb-jar.xml file  1, 2

ejb-name element  1, 2

ejbPassivate  1


ejb-ref element  1, 2, 3

ejb-ref mapping, using JNDI name instead  1

ejb-ref-name element  1, 2


elements  1

elements in XML files  1

enableCookies property  1

enabled attribute  1

enablePooling property  1

enableURLRewriting property  1


of JSPs  1

of servlets  1

enterprise-beans element  1

entity beans

read-only beans  1

entity-mapping  1

env-classpath-ignored attribute  1

errorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute property  1

errors during deployment  1

escape characters  1

establish-trust-in-client element  1

establish-trust-in-target element  1

events, server life cycle  1

example applications  1

exceptions, sending to the client  1, 2

explicitcommand attribute  1

external JNDI resource  1

extra-class-path attribute  1


Factory Class setting  1, 2

failonerror attribute  1

FastJavac compiler  1

fetched-with element  1

field-name element  1

file attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

file realm  1

adding users  1

fileset subelement  1

finder element  1

finder methods  1

flat transactions  1

flush tag  1

force attribute  1, 2

forcing deployment  1

fork property  1

form-hint-field attribute  1


general elements in DTD file  1

genStrAsCharArray property  1

getCmdLineArgs method  1

getData method  1

getEventType method  1

getInitialContext method  1

getInitialContext() method  1

getInstallRoot method  1

getInstanceName method  1

getLifecycleEventContext method  1

getParameter method  1

getReader method  1

group-name element  1, 2, 3


and roles  1

creating for file realm users  1

listing for file realm users  1

groups in realms  1


handleEvent method  1

handling requests  1

Heuristic Decision setting  1

host attribute  1, 2, 3

Host setting  1

HPROF profiler  1

http-method element  1

HttpServletRequest  1


IBM DB2 JDBC driver  1, 2

Idle Timeout setting  1

idLengthBytes property  1

ieClassId property  1

IIOP/SSL configuration  1

IMAP4 protocol  1

Inet MSSQL JDBC driver  1

Inet Oracle JDBC driver  1

Inet Sybase JDBC driver  1

Informix Data Direct JDBC driver  1

Informix Type4 JDBC driver  1

init method  1


InitialContext naming service handle  1

instance-name property  1

instance-name-suffix property  1

instantiating servlets  1

integrity element  1

internationalization  1, 2

Intuitive Systems web site  1

ior-security-config element  1

is-failure-fatal attribute  1


of classloaders  1, 2

Isolation Level Guaranteed setting  1

is-one-one-cmp element  1

is-read-only-bean element  1, 2



security model  1

standard deployment descriptors  1

J2EE 1.3.1 Reference Implementation, migrating from  1

J2EE application client  1

J2EE tutorial  1

J2SE policy file  1

JAAS module  1, 2

LoginModule  1


JAR Extension Mechanism Architecture  1

JAR file

client, for a deployed application  1, 2

creating  1

creating for an ACC client  1

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)  1

Java Database Connectivity see JDBC

Java Message Service see JMS

Java Naming and Directory Interface see JNDI

Java optional package mechanism  1

Java Platform Debugger Architecture see JPDA

Java Servlet API  1

Java Transaction API (JTA)  1

Java Transaction Service (JTS)  1

JavaBeans  1

java-config element  1, 2

javaEncoding attribute  1


and JNDI lookups  1

architecture  1

creating sessions  1

defined  1

JNDI subcontext for  1

session properties  1, 2

specification  1

JBoss 3.0, migrating from  1


creating resources  1

integrating driver JAR files  1

JNDI subcontext for  1

specification  1

supported drivers  1, 2, 3, 4

transaction isolation levels  1

tutorial  1

jdbc-resource  1


JMS  1, 2, 3

and transactions  1

checking if provider is running  1

creating resources  1

debugging  1

JMS Service administration  1

JNDI subcontext for  1

provider  1

resource properties  1

JMS Service

configuring  1

properties  1

jms-durable-subscription-name element  1

jms-max-messages-load  1


and EJB components  1

and JavaMail  1

and lifecycle modules  1, 2, 3

custom resource  1

defined  1

external JNDI resources  1

for message-driven beans  1

mapping references  1

name for container-managed persistence  1

subcontexts for connection factories  1

tutorial  1

using instead of ejb-ref mapping  1

JNDI Lookup setting  1

JNDI Name setting  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

jndi-name  1

jndi-name element  1, 2

JPDA debugging options  1

JSP 1.2 specification  1

JSP Engine Classloader  1

jspc command  1

jsp-config element  1, 2


API reference  1

caching  1

command-line compiler  1

configuring  1

encoding of  1

generated source code  1

precompiling  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

tag libraries  1

JSR 88 deployment  1, 2

JVM arguments in domain.xml  1


-keepgenerated flag  1, 2

keepgenerated property  1

key attribute

of cache tag  1

of flush tag  1

key-field element  1

Keypoint Interval setting  1


launching acc  1

ldap realm  1

level attribute  1

level element  1

lib directory

and ACC clients  1

and Apache Ant  1

and the Common Classloader  1

DTD file location  1

for a web application  1

libraries  1, 2

lifecycle modules  1, 2

allocating and freeing resources  1

and classloaders  1

and the server.policy file  1

assembling  1

configuration  1

deploying  1

LifecycleEvent class  1

LifecycleEventContext interface  1

LifecycleListener interface  1 file  1

LifeCycleModule Classloader  1, 2

load balancing  1, 2, 3

locale attribute

domain.xml file  1

sun-web.xml file  1

locale-charset-info element  1

locale-charset-map element  1

lock-when-loaded element  1

lock-when-modified element  1

log method  1

log-file attribute  1

logging  1

logging in the web container  1

logging messages  1

login method  1

login, programmatic  1


CallBackHandler  1

commit() method  1

integrate  1

login() method  1

logout() method  1

log-service element  1, 2

LruCache cacheClassName value  1


Mail Host setting  1

manager-properties element  1

mappedfile property  1


data types  1

elements in DTD file  1

features  1

mapping resource references  1

mapping-properties element  1

match-expr attribute  1

Max Pool Size setting  1

Max Wait Time setting  1

max-cache-size element  1

max-entries attribute  1

max-pool-size element  1

maxSessions property  1

MaxSize property  1

MDB file samples  1

mdb-connection-factory  1, 2

mdb-connection-factory element  1

mdb-container  1

mdb-resource-adapter element  1

message-destination element  1, 2, 3

message-destination-name element  1, 2, 3

message-driven bean

pooling  1

message-driven beans  1, 2

connection factory  1

DTD elements  1

monitoring  1

onMessage runtime exception  1

pool monitoring  1

sample XML files  1

messages, JavaMail

reading  1

sending  1

messages, JMS


MessageServiceAddressList property  1

MessageTransformer utility  1, 2

messaging elements  1

method-name element  1

migration tools  1

MM MySQL Type4 JDBC driver  1


definition  1

directories deployed to  1

directory structure  1

disabling  1, 2

individual deployment of  1

naming  1

runtime environment  1

see also applications

monitoring transactions  1

MSSQL Inet JDBC driver  1

MSSQL/SQL Server2000 Data Direct JDBC driver  1

MultiLruCache cacheClassName value  1

MultiLRUSegmentSize property  1


name attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

name element  1, 2, 3

Name property  1

Name setting  1

named-group element  1

naming service  1

native library path

configuring for hprof  1

configuring for OptimizeIt  1

nested transactions  1

NetDynamics servers, migrating from  1

Netscape Application Servers, migrating from  1

networkProtocol property  1

nocache attribute of cache tag  1

none element  1


On Any Failure Close All Connections setting  1

one-one-finders element  1

onMessage  1

Optimizeit profiler  1

Oracle Data Direct JDBC driver  1

Oracle Inet JDBC driver  1

Oracle OCI JDBC driver  1

Oracle Thin/Type4 Driver

workaround for  1

Oracle Thin/Type4 JDBC driver  1

oracle-xa-recovery-workaround property  1

ORB architecture  1

output from servlets  1

overriding built-in ORB  1

approaches  1

ORB.init properties approach  1

ORB.init() properties  1  1 approach  1

provide JVM start-up arguments  1

providing JVM arguments  1


package attribute  1

package-appclient script  1

packaging see assembly

PAM infrastructure  1

parameter-encoding element  1

param-name element  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

pass-by-reference element  1, 2, 3

pass-by-value semantics  1, 2

password attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

password element  1, 2

Password property  1, 2

path attribute  1


changing in server.policy  1

default in server.policy  1

persistence elements for the DTD file  1

persistence manager  1

persistence-manager-factory-resource  1

persistence-type attribute  1

physical destinations  1

plugin tag  1

pm-class-generator element  1

pm-config element  1

pm-descriptor element  1

pm-descriptors element  1

pm-identifier element  1

pm-inuse element  1

pm-mapping-factory element  1

pm-version element  1

PointBase JDBC driver  1

pool monitoring for MDBs  1

Pool Name setting  1

Pool Resize Quantity setting  1

pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds  1, 2

pooling  1, 2, 3, 4

of servlets  1

pooling elements for the DTD  1

POP3 protocol  1

port attribute  1, 2, 3, 4

port property  1

Port setting  1

precompilejsp attribute  1, 2

--precompilejsp option  1

precompiling JSPs  1

primary key class  1

principal element  1

principal-name element  1, 2, 3

profilers  1

programmatic login  1

ProgrammaticLogin class  1

ProgrammaticLoginPermission  1

properties, about  1

property element  1, 2, 3


query-filter element  1

query-ordering element  1

query-params element  1

query-variables element  1

Queue interface  1

QueueConnectionFactory interface  1


ra.xml file  1

RAR file, creating  1

read-only beans  1, 2

deploying  1

refreshing  1

read-only element  1

ReadOnlyBeanNotifier  1


realm attribute  1

realm element  1, 2


and role mapping  1

certificate realm  1

configuring  1

custom  1

default  1, 2

definition  1

file realm  1

ldap realm  1

mapping groups and users to  1

solaris realm  1

supported  1

user information in  1

reapIntervalSeconds property  1

Recover on Restart setting  1

redeployment  1

reference elements in the DTD file  1

Reference Implementation, migrating from  1

refresh attribute of cache tag  1

refresh-field element  1

refresh-period-in-seconds  1, 2

.reload file  1

reloading property  1

reloading, dynamic  1

removal-timeout-in-seconds element  1

removing servlets  1

request object  1

required element  1

resize-quantity element  1

resource adapters see connectors

resource allocation  1

Resource Enabled setting  1

resource managers  1

resource references, mapping  1

Resource Type setting  1, 2, 3

resource-adapter-mid element  1

resource-env-ref element  1, 2, 3

resource-env-ref-name element  1, 2

resource-ref element  1, 2, 3

res-ref-name element  1, 2

res-sharing-scope deployment descriptor setting  1


message-driven beans  1

on container-managed persistence  1

on session bean transactions  1

retrievestubs attribute  1, 2

Retry Timeout setting  1

rmic-options attribute  1

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)  1

role mapping elements for DTD  1

role-name element  1, 2, 3

roleName property  1

roles  1

creating  1

mapping  1

rpm  1


S1ASCtxFactory class  1

sample applications  1

sample XML files  1

sas-context element  1

schema capture  1

schema element  1

schema-generator-properties element  1

scope attribute  1, 2, 3

scratchdir property  1

secondary table  1, 2

security  1

ACC clients  1

applications  1

authentication data  1

declarative  1

DTD elements  1

EJB components  1, 2

goals  1

J2EE model  1

JAAS module  1

of containers  1

programmatic  1

programmatic login  1

responsibilities overview  1

role mapping  1

server.policy file  1

Sun Java System Application Server features  1

Sun Java System Application Server model  1

terminology  1

user information  1

using SSL with CA  1

web applications  1, 2

security element  1

security policy domains see realms

security-role-mapping element  1, 2, 3

security-service element  1, 2, 3

send-password attribute  1


changing the classpath of  1

lib directory of  1, 2, 3, 4

life cycle events  1

optimizing for development  1

security model  1

Sun Java System Application Server deployment descriptors  1, 2

using Ant scripts to control  1

server.policy file  1

and lifecycle modules  1

changing permissions  1

default permissions  1

Optimizeit profiler options  1

ProgrammaticLoginPermission  1

server-classpath attribute  1

ServerLifecycleException  1

server-name element  1

serverName property  1

service method  1

Servlet 2.3 specification  1

servlet element  1

servlet-name element  1


API reference  1

caching  1

character encoding  1

destroying  1

engine  1, 2

instantiating  1

invoking using a URL  1

output  1

pooling  1

removing  1

request handling  1

specification  1

thread safety  1

session beans  1

container  1

developing  1

restrictions  1

Session Enabled setting  1

session-config element  1

sessionFilename property  1

session-manager element  1

session-properties element  1


about  1

and dynamic redeployment  1

and dynamic reloading  1

cookies  1

session managers  1

URL rewriting  1

sessions, JavaMail, creating  1

session-timeout element  1

setCharacterEncoding method  1

setContentType method  1

setLocale method  1

setting the ORB port  1

showrev  1


Simple Object Access Protocol see SOAP

single sign-on  1

singleThreadedServletPoolSize property  1, 2, 3

SingleThreadModel class  1

singleton approach  1

SMTP protocol  1

SOAP messages  1

SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ)  1

solaris realm  1

srcdir attribute  1

SSL  1

authentication configuration  1

ssl element  1

SSL processing parameters  1

ssl2-ciphers attribute  1

ssl2-enabled attribute  1

ssl3-enabled attribute  1

ssl3-tls-ciphers attribute  1

stack trace, generating  1

stand-alone client

running  1, 2

stand-alone CORBA client

creating  1

Start Arguments setting  1

Start Timeout setting  1


Status Enabled setting  1

Steady Pool Size setting  1

steady-pool-size  1

steady-pool-size element  1

Store Protocol Class setting  1

Store Protocol setting  1

store-properties element  1


directory for  1, 2

keeping  1, 2, 3

retrieving after deployment  1

Sun customer support  1

Sun Java System Application Server

value-added features  1

Sun Java System Message Queue  1, 2, 3, 4

checking to see if running  1

installation of  1

Sun ONE Application Server, migrating from  1

Sun ONE Studio

debugging  1

Sun ONE Web Server, migrating from  1

sun-acc.xml elements

description  1

target-server  1

sun-acc.xml file  1, 2, 3, 4

elements in  1

sun-application element  1

sun-application.xml file  1, 2

elements in  1

example of  1

schema for  1

sun-application_1_4-0.dtd file  1, 2

sun-application-client.xml elements

default-resource-principal  1

ejb-ref  1

ejb-ref-name  1

jndi-name  1

name  1

password  1

resource-env-ref  1

resource-env-ref-name  1

resource-ref  1

resource-ref-name  1

sun-application-client  1

sun-application-client.xml file  1, 2

elements in  1

sun-application-client_1_4-0.dtd file  1, 2

sun-application-client-container_1_0.dtd file  1, 2

sun-appserv-admin task  1

sun-appserv-component task  1

sun-appserv-deploy task  1

sun-appserv-jspc Ant task  1

sun-appserv-jspc task  1

sun-appserv-undeploy task  1

sun-appserv-update task  1

sun-cmp-mapping element  1

sun-cmp-mapping_1_1.dtd file  1, 2

sun-cmp-mappings  1

sun-cmp-mappings.xml  1, 2, 3

sun-cmp-mappings.xml file  1, 2

sun-ejb-jar element  1

sun-ejb-jar.xml file  1, 2

sample  1

sun-ejb-jar_2_1-0.dtd file  1, 2

sunhome attribute  1, 2, 3, 4

sun-web.xml file  1, 2, 3

and classloaders  1

elements in  1

example of  1

sun-web-app element  1

sun-web-app_2_4-0.dtd file  1, 2

suppressSmap property  1

Sybase Data Direct JDBC driver  1

Sybase Inet JDBC driver  1

Sybase JConnect/Type4 JDBC driver  1

System Classloader  1

using to circumvent isolation  1


Table Name setting  1

table-name element  1, 2

tag libraries  1


for JSP caching  1

target-server element  1

tasks, Apache Ant  1

tempdir property  1


third party ORB  1

accessing backend  1

configure Orbix ORB  1

thread safety  1


for JMS connections  1

for transactions  1, 2

timeout attribute of cache tag  1

timeout element  1

timeout-in-seconds attribute  1

timeoutSeconds property  1

tls-enabled attribute  1

tls-rollback-enabled attribute  1

Tomcat Web Server, migrating from  1


for deployment  1

for developers, general  1

Topic interface  1

TopicConnectionFactory interface  1

Transaction Isolation setting  1

transaction log file  1

Transaction Log Location setting  1

transaction service

configuring  1

properties  1

Transaction Timeout setting  1

transactions  1

administration and monitoring  1

commit options  1

disabling logging  1

flat  1

global  1

in the J2EE tutorial  1

JDBC isolation levels  1

JNDI subcontext for  1

local  1

local or global scope of  1

logging for recovery  1

nested  1

resource managers  1

Transport Protocol Class setting  1

Transport Protocol setting  1

transport-config element  1

trimSpaces property  1

type attribute  1, 2, 3, 4

Type setting  1, 2, 3


unique-id element  1, 2

upload attribute  1

URI, configuring for an application  1

uribase attribute  1

uriroot attribute  1

URL rewriting  1

URL, JNDI subcontext for  1

url-pattern element  1

user attribute  1, 2, 3

User property  1

user-name attribute  1

UserName property  1


adding to the file realm  1

and roles  1

security information  1

users in realms  1

utility classes  1, 2, 3


ValidationMethod setting  1

value added features  1

value additions for product  1

value attribute  1

value element  1, 2

verbose attribute  1

verifier tool  1

verify attribute  1, 2

victim-selection-policy element  1

virtual servers  1

default  1

virtualservers attribute  1


WAR file, creating  1

web applications

assembling  1

deploying  1

module definition  1

security  1, 2

Web Classloader  1

changing delegation in  1

web container, configuring  1

web element  1

web module, default  1, 2

web service

sample applications  1

web service elements

auth-method  1

call-property  1

endpoint-address-uri  1

localpart  1

login-config  1

name  1

namespaceURI  1

port-component-name  1

port-info  1

service-endpoint-interface  1

service-impl-class  1

service-qname  1

service-ref  1

service-ref-name  1

servlet-impl-class  1

stub-property  1

tie-class  1

transport-guarantee  1

value  1

webservice-description  1

webservice-description-name  1

webservice-endpoint  1

wsdl-override  1

wsdl-port  1

wsdl-publish-location  1

web.xml file  1

and certificate configuration  1

session-timeout element  1

webapp attribute  1

WebLogic Server, migrating from  1

Websphere Application Server, migrating from  1

web-uri element  1


XA resource  1

xaresource-txn-timeout property  1


specification  1

syntax verifier  1

XML files

sample  1

xpoweredBy property  1

-Xrs option and debugging  1, 2

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