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Sun Java System Messenger Express 2004Q2 Customization Guide 


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Chapter 1   Introduction to Messenger Express and Customization
Understanding Messenger Express Customization Overview
Understanding Messenger Express Components
Locating the Customizable Files in Messenger Express
Localizing Messenger Express
Specific Locales
Location of Locale-Specific Customizable Files
Understanding Basic Interfaces and Associated Functions
Customizing the Inbox Screen
Inbox Screen Functions
Customizing the Message Screen
Message Screen Functions
Customizing the Folders Screen
Folders Screen Functions
Customizing the Options Screen
Options Screen Functions
Customizing the Composition Window
Composition Window Functions
Customizing the Message Search Window

Chapter 2   Customizing General Features in Messenger Express
Modifying the Login Screen
Example—Login Screen Modifications
Modifying Color Sets
Example—Color Sets Modifications
Modifying the Logo and Link
Example—Logo Modification
Modifying the Title Graphic and Text
Example—Title Text Modification
Inserting Banners and Links
Example—Inserting Banners and Links

Chapter 3   Customizing User Interface Features in Messenger Express
Modifying the Main Function Tabs
Example—Main Function Tabs Modifications
Modifying the Mailbox Tool Bar
Example—Mailbox Tool Bar Modifications
Modifying the Message List Window
Example—Message List Window Modifications
Modifying the Message Display Window
Example—Message Display Window Modifications
Modify the Message Display Window to Display User Defined Header Fields
Example—Modifying the Message Display Window to Display User Defined Header Fields
Modifying the Message Tool Bar
Example—Message Tool Bar Modifications
Modifying the Message Composition Window
Example—Message Composition Window Modifications
To Include Additional Dictionary for Spell Check
Modifying Message Search Window
Example—Message Search Window Modifications
Modifying the Address (Directory Lookup) Window
Example—Address (Directory Lookup) Window Modifications
Adding a User Defined Directory to Search
Example—Adding a User Defined Directory to Search to the Address (Directory Lookup) Window
Modifying the Options Window
Example—Options Window Modifications
Modifying the Folders Window
Example—Folders Window Modifications
Aligning the User Interface from Right to Left
Disabling Filtering of the HTML Tags
Example — Disable the filtering of the HTML tags
Supporting a New Locale
Example—Supporting a New Locale

Chapter 4   Customizing Advanced Features in Messenger Express
Understanding Advanced Customization
Locating the Customizable Files in Messenger Express User Interface
Modifying Attachments
HTML File Mapping
Collecting Mail from Another Server
HTML File Mapping
Modifying Message Composition
HTML File Mapping
Modifying Folder Management Tab
HTML File Mapping
Modifying Mailbox Management Tab
HTML File Mapping
Modifying Personal Option Management (Options Tab)
HTML File Mapping
Modifying Return Receipt
HTML File Mapping
Modifying Shared Folders
Customizing the Default LDAP Attributes for Users
Customizing Address Search to Return More LDAP Attributes
Customizing Messenger Express for a Specific Domain
Domain From URL

Chapter 5   Managing Authentication to the Sun Java System Messenger Express Service
Introduction to Authentication
SDK Files and Functions
SDK Configuration Initialization
SDK Lookup
SDK Cleanup
Example Deployment


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